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re: Worst Baseball Card

Posted by Good Ole Baw on 6/21/24 at 9:56 pm
Little did y’all know this topic was started to lure in a specific poster and he hasn’t commented yet. ...

re: Worst Baseball Card

Posted by Good Ole Baw on 6/21/24 at 1:49 pm
I miss the days when the MLB didn’t have gay night. ...

re: Worst Baseball Card

Posted by Good Ole Baw on 6/21/24 at 12:55 pm
some of these are just unbelievable...

re: Worst Baseball Card

Posted by Good Ole Baw on 6/21/24 at 8:16 am
Kent weighed 87 lbs! Wow...

Worst Baseball Card

Posted by Good Ole Baw on 6/20/24 at 4:21 pm
I submit my boy Graham Hicks [img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/bvUAAOSwZRJk5ZN-/s-l1200.jpg[/img]...
[img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/bvUAAOSwZRJk5ZN-/s-l1200.jpg[/img] Y’all Baws ain’t got nothin on by boy Graham...
I’ve seen ORGN discussed here in various threads by a few different posters. I think the company deserves its own thread. Could anyone provide a summary of the company and why they think it is a good investment. Currently ORGN is trading for $4.63...
GeneralLee, You are dumb. You are weak minded. You are sorry. Please don’t post anymore whiny or worried threads. You are misinformed and bring no value to the board. Thanks -Good Ole Baw...
Don’t give me that rebuilding year shite! We are LSU! This ain’t Tennessee. Do you want to be like them? They been rebuilding every year for the last decade and they ain’t built shite. They suck arse ...
Your granddad is looking down on you in shame everyday when he sees you in your automated house with silly doorbell cameras ,color changing lightbulbs, and electric locks ...

re: Mr. Free Speech

Posted by Good Ole Baw on 4/17/22 at 3:12 pm
[quote]Bamarep reminder: Elon is the DOD's largest contractor.[/quote] Wrong, and not even close. SpaceX probably isn’t even in the top 50 for DoD. NASA is another story. ...

LSU vs McNeese Analysis and Rant

Posted by Good Ole Baw on 9/12/21 at 10:38 am
Let’s just start this off by admitting that we suck, we all know it, and it’s retardED’s fault. Now let’s get into some comparisons. LSU Recruiting = A McNeese Recruiting = F LSU Head Coach Salary = ~$7M McNeese Head Coach Salary = $180K Now let’s look at the QB performance from last...


Posted by Good Ole Baw on 8/10/21 at 9:07 pm
Does LLKKF own any existing DLE tech? No they do not. They are licensing it from Lilac Solutions. But they are partners with Novonix! The leader in battery technology! No. Novonix only did $4M worth of revenue in the past year. Lake Resources will soon be making millions! No. They aren’t sc...
Not sure why you are bringing race into this. I didn’t say anything regarding race. What I was saying was I wanted to talk about a solution. Not talk about the problem. Not point fingers. ...
Now look. You all know what I’m talking bout. You all know who I’m talking bout. You all know who’s fault it is. We ain’t here to discuss that. We here to fix the problem. It’s simple. We got a lot of takers, and not enough makers. We got folks sitting at home with their hands out. How do we...
My primary care physician and I are working on a vaccination plan but we are waiting until a vaccine is approved by the FDA and the long term side effects are known. ...

re: Expert DD on Darkpulse

Posted by Good Ole Baw on 7/20/21 at 6:49 pm
It’s a scam. Answer these questions, and then ask yourself if you really think you have found a diamond in the rough. -How long has the company been in business? -How much revenue has the company generated? -What kind of success has the CEO had previously?...
I’m sworn to secrecy regarding my hats. ...
Got my hats in! [link=(https://imgur.com/a/yKDvJWC)]LINK[/link] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NJ3j1rU_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img]...