For some reason I don't know who ESPN's College Football Daily's host Jason Fitz is, but check him out unleash on Clemson fans on live TV, calling them jerks...

Filed Under: NCAA Football
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cheezag0393 months
who the frick are any of those people?
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TIGERhype93 months
Him and Mascona should start a support group..
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theBru93 months
Guess he hasnt been around many gumps...
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auzach9193 months
They are the absolute worst. frick Clemson fans
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skullopener93 months
and that was his last gig!!
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summersausage93 months
They let him on air with those tats showing?! That network!!
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shel31193 months
Oh the horror in a guy with tats on his arm talking about sports!!!!
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