Now Charlie Strong Is Dabbing With Recruits During In-Home Visit
Brendan Maloney-USA TODAY Sports
Texas head coach Charlie Strong is the latest to "Dab" to win over a recruit. Here he is "Dabbing" with four-star defensive tackle Chris Daniels during his in-home visit...
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Whatever Nick Saban can do, I can do better.
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Hook Em Horns104 months
lol..aggie..back to fish camp with you
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FishFearMe104 months
Charlie Strong and his entire staff will be gone after next season. Texas will have an interim Head Coach by mid-season.
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saint tiger225104 months
Very sound advice jdrn21.

As for Strong, you're late to the party buddy, we've been Dabbin' on em. Lol.
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pellietigersaint104 months
you just said please make it stop. let me give you some grade school level advice:

how bout you dont post this shite? that would at least make it stop on tigerdroppings
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