Louisville's Bobby Petrino Banned From South Carolina High School
Bob DeChiara-USA TODAY Sports
Oh Bobby, it's been a while since we've heard from you. Louisville's head coach Bobby Petrino and his defensive coordinator Todd Grantham have been banned from Dutch Forks High School in South Carolina after pulling 3-star RB Matt Colburn’s scholarship offer two days before National Signing Day. Colburn’s coach Tom Knotts, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution...

“He (Petrino) won’t be able to recruit my school anymore and I imagine there will be some other coaches that will say the same thing. Trust factor is just not there. They’ve known about these three DBs wanting to go to the NFL for weeks now. To use that as an excuse doesn’t hold water with me.”
Knotts said Graham’s excuse was that Louisville had three defensive backs leave for the NFL, and they needed Colburn’s spot to add a defensive back. Grantham offered Colburn to delay his enrollment for a year, but Colburn has no interest in sitting out a year.
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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LSUANDY25121 months
This guy is a complete douchebag. He has no honor or morals. Why a parent would allow their child to be a part of that program is beyond me.
And shame on Louisville as well for hiring him back.
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I wish a LA coach would nut up and ban Saban and his Bama henchmen.
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T-mart57121 months
"How does a high school coach ban a college coach from his school? Isn't that the job of an administrator?"
The coaches for the most part and the AD handle player recruiting letters so if they see petrino or UL crap they will just toss it in the trash.
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11thACR121 months
Only One HS banned him ?
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Carolina_Girl121 months
I'm proud of Dutch Fork (Larry...notice it's FORK not FORKS!!) High School for doing this. They routinely have some of the highest ranked recruits in this state and will probably always be one of the most fertile recruiting grounds in SC. Next step...ban the motherfricker from the state altogether and turn the cannons on the Battery in Charleston around to blow his arse out if he steps foot across our hallowed state lines.

On the bright side..we have a couple of holes to fill. Maybe we get this kid at SCar.
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TOKEN121 months
What a POS!

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RedMustang121 months
How does a high school coach ban a college coach from his school? Isn't that the job of an administrator?
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tjtiger9121 months
So Petrino gets called out for this, but Saint Nick can do this each year and no one says a thing about it?
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tensasparishtiger121 months
Once a dirtbag, always a dirtbag. I will definitely be checking Rivals tomorrow to see where Colburn signs. Best of luck to him.
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tensasparishtiger121 months
Once a dirtbag, always a dirtbag. I will definitely be checking Rivals tomorrow to see where Colburn signs. Best of luck to him.
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RB10121 months
Bobby P being a scumbag? Shocking.

Hopefully this kid goes somewhere and balls out. Best of luck to him.
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