Listen To The Comments That Got Texas Tech’s Announcers Got Suspended
© Michael C. Johnson-USA TODAY Sports
Earlier this week, the Big 12 suspended Texas Tech play-by-play announcer Brian Jensen and color analyst John Harris for their next game after calling out the conference’s officiating last week. Here's the audio from that broadcast that got them in trouble...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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BIGJLAW34 months
They must have had the SEC refs swapped for this game.
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BIGJLAW34 months
They must have had the SEC refs swapped for this game.
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BIGJLAW34 months
They must have had the SEC refs swapped for this game.
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OzChuffnugg34 months
Wow! Was waiting for something controversial. So basically he got suspended for calling a spade a spade. Another good look for a conference doing really well right now.
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TOSOV34 months
So Tech radio guys (and tech fans obviously) talk smack about the refs that everyone watching can see but they need to paint it for people just listening. Ha. Clown world.
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Le Tenia34 months
Got, got.
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JackieTreehorn34 months
That's just a typical broadcast from Stan White over at Auburn.
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the LSUSaint34 months
College is rigged, and everyone knows it. That's what happens when that much money is on the line
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LSUMaverick34 months
Everyone gets butt hurt so easily today.
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SomeLSUguy34 months
And what exactly did they do wrong?!?! ... Do the ref's not call out these kids (by number) on the field if they get a penalty called on them? So why can't a ref be called out for making a mistake?
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JColtF34 months
This I've never understood why officiating is above scrutiny
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