Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
ESPN’s Brett McMurphy is reporting that Shreveport’s Independence Bowl will be sponsored by Duck Commander, the company owned and operated by the Robertson family of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty” fame...

Brett McMurphy
Duck Commander Independence Bowl new name for Shreveport, La., bowl, sources told @ESPN
2:22 PM - 23 Feb 2014
Best bowl name ever.
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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11thACR132 months
Nice....need special uni's to lanch into team sports field...
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Chicken132 months
Nothing tops Beef OBrady Bowl...
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SenseiBuddy132 months
Will they allow duck calls in the stands?
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Dr RC132 months
Not even the best sponsor for the Independance Bowl.

Poulan Weed-Eater FTW
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Henry Jones Jr132 months
The Nokia Sugar Bowl was the best bowl name ever, Larry.
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