Here is Georgia Tech WR Corey Dennis proposing to Urban Meyer's daughter Nicki a couple days ago. Meyer just hovered above...

Filed Under: NCAA Football
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finchmeister08122 months
"Urban's wife is a cheater. The reason he left Gainesville wasn't because of physical heart problems. It was emotional. His wife was 2 timing him with a car dealership owner"

get out of here with that bs.
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Corch Urban Myers122 months
LOL whatevs cajunsack
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chRxis122 months
no shite, huh? damn.... i still hate Urban though.... hope she got it on video... lol
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cajunsack122 months
Urban's wife is a cheater. The reason he left Gainesville wasn't because of physical heart problems. It was emotional. His wife was 2 timing him with a car dealership owner
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WTIGER122 months
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cameron789787122 months
Slow news day, huh Larry?
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TOKEN122 months
Urban straight butter
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LC412000122 months
Proud father....good to see, happy for the daughter and entire family
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gatortrav88122 months
urb's daughters always were hot
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