Ex-Sooner Tweets Pic Of Himself W/Girls To Recruit Braxton Miller
Andrew Weber-USA TODAY Sports
Here's how former Sooner, and current Arizona Cardinal DB, Tony Jefferson is trying to convince Ohio State QB Braxton Miller to transfer to Oklahoma...
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Miller still hasn't made a decision on where he will use his one year of eligibility remaining.
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Sammy Martin 4life121 months
Is that Jen Bielema on the right?
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prisonpunk121 months
OU needs to find some better looking hookers.
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Sho Nuff121 months
Is his head on backwards?!
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ctiger69121 months
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lsu480121 months
Is that a manikin on the right? Sick frick.- manikin. lol
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DthVllyDud121 months
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LSUrme121 months
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Navytiger74121 months
God bless white girls. I mean that. Seriously. God bless their hearts.
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DthVllyDud121 months
Like Justin Vincent at Reggie's...
user avatar
lsuhou74121 months
Not that impressive. Don't get me wrong I'd smash em....but not that impressive...
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MirrOlure121 months
Women are So ease these days. Don't take much does it.
user avatar
Is that a manikin on the right? Sick frick.
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LSULyle00690121 months
Is this the roaring 20s
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Celery121 months
Is this in his daughter's room at his apartment? Class.
user avatar
All those disappointed dads
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Recruitingjunkie121 months
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Jizzy08121 months
Where the white women at????
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fierysnowman121 months
I like the black chick. Oh, wait....
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GeauxTGRZ121 months
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