Favorite team:Murray State
Number of Posts:1598
Registered on:12/30/2013
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I feel like y'all should cut ties with Tommie Robinson at this point if LJ ends up at Texas.

I thought he was an Aggie lock?
Why would anybody leave SEC money for Big 12 money? That's be really stupid.
Leaving Big 10 money for Big 12 money would be really stupid.
I say let every player that wants to play, let them play and let every fan that wants to go to a game. let them, and if they all get sick and their families get sick "it is what it is".
What are the chances of getting Bryce Foster? I see crystal balls favor OU. It'd be great if Jimbo could start getting some elite OL.

I really hope after all this is over, the people who have caused all this damage to the country are dealt with.

With any luck the entire #TrumpCrimeFamily will be in prison by next year.
Most fans are over the trip to Jerry World and want a home and home.
I can't wait to watch sorority recruitment on youtube next month. All the girls hugging and crying and kissing covid on each other. It'll be fun.
Ohio State and Clemson are both loaded. I can't decide.
This is ridiculous. Do you complain about "muh rights" when you fasten your seat belt or you can't smoke in doors? Even your cult leader finally said wear masks yesterday. 130,000 and counting people are dead.
That's hilarious any SEC school calling another racist. :lol:

re: Odds to win SECW

Posted by prisonpunk on 6/30/20 at 10:17 pm

A&M is going to have a better defense than offence.
Nothing to do with flags, but I have never understood why black players would want to go to college anywhere in the south. I've lived in Kentucky all my life and know how racist it is, and I'm sure it's no different anywhere south of here.
No, but I've always thought that having the football championship in Atlanta every year is not fair to the teams and fans in the far west. It should rotate with New Orleans every other year.
I say if they want to go let them kill each other.
George Wallace is rolling over in his grave.
I don't understand why the national anthem has to be played before every sporting event. What does sports and patriotism have to do with each other?
A friend I work with swears to me that he went to Bama, yet he's a huge Auburn fan. Is that even possible?
Almost everybody that was born and raised in Kentucky is a UK fan and hardly any of them went to school past the eighth grade.
They may try it one time, and I agree fans will sit where they want to and nobody can enforce social distancing. After that, no more fans at all, empty stadiums.