Clemson's Dabo Swinney Said In Alabama He's 'Osama bin Dabo' And Here Was Paul Finebaum's Reaction
© Joshua S. Kelly-USA TODAY Sports
During an appearance back in February on “Basketball & Beyond with Coach K,” Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney commented on not being so popular in Alabama, calling himself "Osama bin Dabo”...

“I think it was all fun and games early on. It was, ‘Aww, isn’t that sweet’ and all that stuff. I don’t know about walls, but I am kinda like Osama bin Dabo,” Swinney said, with a laugh. “I have to navigate my way through the caves and back channels too make my way through Alabama these days. They aren’t happy to see me, but it’s all good. It’s a good problem.”
Well, that quote has now been dug up and living on social media again, so of course ESPN's Paul Finebaum had to comment on it...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Tiger in Texas67 months
Holy shite! You can't say anything today without the media trying to stir up crap! I find nothing wrong with what he said...political correctness needs to stop!
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MindRiot68 months
Words are serious business......
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CajunBullet68 months
Ole Paul Finebaum....the "Jerry Springer" of College Sports Talk Show ! Not worth a Crap!
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LSUtwolves68 months
This is bad. This is 9/11 times 1000. This is 911,000.
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187undercover68 months
Wow, the virtue signaling on this one is off the charts cringeworthy.
user avatar
Finebaum is a typical ESPN bitch
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Nolaughingmatter68 months
Stop trying to tell people what is acceptable and unacceptable Paul Hitler Finebaum
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bamagreycoat68 months
I cant believe anybody got mad about this.
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genuineLSUtiger68 months
Virtue signaling from Finebaum.
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JohnnyU68 months
It is a rather shitty analogy but I've not thought of Dabo as anything other than football coach.
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SoFla Tideroller68 months
Relax, Pawl. It was a good line. Quit overreacting.
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tketaco68 months
Don’t think it is as bad of a comparison as Saban comparing losing to UL-Monroe to 9/11.
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bamagreycoat68 months
In some parts of Alabama losing to ULM is almost as bad as 9-11. I said almost. I still don’t understand why building number 7 went down and the official response is not sufficient.
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KennabraTiger68 months
Stfu Paul
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StupidBinder68 months
Oh look, people on TV telling me what things I should be outraged about. That’s new.
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young man tiger68 months
Homer hack.
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SomeLSUguy68 months
I know it is their jobs, but some of these journalists make the most out of nothing. And I especially think it makes them the scum of the earth if they start digging up old shite to capitalize on the opportunity to be in the spotlight. If it is so offensive, why bring it back up and reopen all of those wounds? Why give it the attention it does not deserve? I'm sorry your show sucks Pawl. Try not sucking so bad instead of these bush league tactics to boost your popularity.
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Doug Masters68 months
I think Pawl completely missed the point.
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CoolHand68 months
I think he knew exactly what Dabo meant, but that wouldn’t have gotten PF his attention.
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TaderSalad68 months
I finally agree with something Finebaum said
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