I guess you could say the Buffalo vs Liberty game doesn't carry the same weight as most SEC games today...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Mister Ice12 months
Mouse was an OL line coach for many years. His coaching segments on X are very interesting.
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Ghost of Colby12 months
That tailgating video was great. They go hard at the U or Buffalo.
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BigJim12 months
Stadium still looks better than Mississippi State's.
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bobbydigital12 months
Probably the nicest people ever
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Bayoubred12 months
That's pathetic. Why bother? They should just shut it down.
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cctiger6012 months
well if farewell was still in charge we know that they would have at least he, his wife and the pool boy .........
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Wolfhound4512 months
It was played in Buffalo.
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BayouTigers4Life12 months
Every season's like the covid season at Buffalo
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Tiger in Texas12 months
Damn! They need help- I could have brought the wife and jazzed it up for them with some good seafood & Mexican food!
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cypresstiger12 months
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