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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:1/21/2010
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[quote]Lawmakers had included the new voting rights provision in a state law, LB 20, earlier this year. However, that right was invalidated by Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen and Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers, who ruled in July that the law violated the Nebraska constitution and its s...

re: Latest ABC/Ipsos poll: Harris +2

Posted by BigJim on 10/14/24 at 12:28 am
Tell me you know nothing about survey weights without saying you don’t understand survey weights. ...
Never. That is a tiny slice of our budget. Entitlements Military spending Foreign aid...

re: Nate Silver is a fraud

Posted by BigJim on 10/7/24 at 2:35 pm
[quote]Most of the polling in the last week has moved to Trump by 4 points.[/quote] Where the heck are you getting that? Trump is down in almost all polls nationally except Rasmussen. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/national/ https://www.realclearpolling.com/latest-polls/nationa...
Here is where the electoral college system helps some. If NC vote totals are lower because of the hurricane, the state will still have the same impact as the winner gets the same number of electoral votes. Compare that to a popular vote system, where a natural disaster could really lower voter...
I don’t believe so. Maybe at the local level, but I don’t even think that. ...

re: Landry tax reform

Posted by BigJim on 10/1/24 at 1:56 pm
Digging into this as we type. First take is that this looks great, but as always the devil is in the details. Will add more when I know more. ...
[quote]He cannot be worse.[/quote] Famous last words…...
[quote] Hezbolla was created to neutralize Yassar Arafat and the PLO. Supported by the state of ....... Israel ????. ..... I dunno...... interesting.[/quote] Let me be clearer. I think you are making shite up. Now I am far from an expert on the middle east, but this is the first I am hearing o...
[quote]This is all fine and dandy. Just right for that "good guy, bad guy" narrative. That is until you peal one more layer of this onion and discover Israel created Hezbolla. .... Something to ponder ...[/quote] What area of the dark web did you grab this from?...
I have a ton of thoughts on the subject, but short on time. The sudden change is political and fiscal reality. However, what he is doing is still [i]very[/i] ambitious. ...
[quote]Believe it or not, that actually does not happen in Louisiana with unrelated bills. All the pork has to be thrown into HB1 (Budget bill) and the Capital Outlay bill. Unlike D.C., legislators in Baton Rouge can't write up legislation about say...redfish limits, then throw in spending of $2 ...

re: FBI changed the way they report crime

Posted by BigJim on 9/23/24 at 11:24 pm
You mean that thing that happened a decade ago?...

re: EBR Mayor-Pesident

Posted by BigJim on 9/23/24 at 12:05 pm
Work through that scenario. Best case without Sid is that Ted James beats Sharon in a run off. I personally like Ted, but he is very progressive. Maybe the R’s funding his campaign can reel him in, but that is a risky proposition. ...
[quote]Some of the usual people are going after Trump again over a temporary cap on credit card interests... "It's not small Gov"[/quote] [quote]Is is small gov to have NO limits or criteria to immigration?[/quote] How the hell did you connect those two? So if someone believes in immigratio...
[quote]I guaran-damn-tee that she knows a lot more than you.[/quote] Maybe you have a point…after all, she did know about those Jewish space lasers. :lol:...
[quote] It won’t change votes, you can’t lose something you never had.[/quote] So Trump can do no wrong, since if he makes a stupid political move, "they weren't going to vote for him anyway," right? ...
51 (or even 53) is great for blocking legislation. It’s not so good at passing legislation unless you want to blow up the 60-vote filibuster. ...