Check out this possible alternate helmet Cal might be sporting this fall. It features a new bear logo with a chrome facemask that's kind of cool...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Geert Hammink_43117 months
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Roses of Crimson117 months
Nope. Not Cal's helmet. No like.
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FT117 months
Awful. Cal's helmet is classic is hell
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Ragin' Tiger117 months
Good looking helmet, but I don't like the chrome face mask.
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JumpingTheShark117 months
"Better than their current script one"

Not at all, Larry.
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WalkingTurtles117 months
That's a pretty decent helmet.
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Rebel Land Shark117 months
Not a huge fan of the white with chrome facemask
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Rickety Cricket117 months
How would you rate that swag, Larry?
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