Dear LaVar Ball, no on is going to buy this...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: NBA
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tigahland17 months
you'd think he would like to display one of his sons in the NBA in the sales video...not the one who's not
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Hamma112217 months
His sons in the NBA probably don’t speak to him
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deuce98517 months
Thug POS constantly using his sons even before they were famous
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gamecockman1217 months
Garbage. Just like BBB shoes.
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DeafVallyBatnR17 months
The last person. Let me repeat, the last person I would ever buy anything from is this guy.
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SaintLSUnAtl17 months
I’m supposed to buy equipment from a dude who calls pull-ups and push-ups “isometrics”?
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Shaq4prez17 months
never trust anyone that lives in a stucco mansion
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rented mule17 months
LOL, 1850 for conduit.
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SwampyWaters17 months
Where did he come from? I thought he had sailed off into the sunset somewhere!
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CanebreakCajun17 months
I see those at the parking for free.
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