Since the Orlando Magic were eliminated from the first round of the NBA playoffs this year, speculation has been that center Dwight Howard will leave the Magic, ala Shaq, and take his talents to the Los Angeles Lakers. But this is what Howard told the Orlando Sentinel Monday...

"I'm not trying to run behind nobody like Shaq or be behind somebody else,"..."I want to start my own path and I want people to follow my path and not just follow somebody else's path. I want to have my own path, and I want to start that here in Orlando. But I can't do it alone. Not only do I need the right teammates, but I need the city behind me. That's the only way it's going to get done. We can change this small city that we have -- this small market that we have -- and we can make it a big market."
This doesn't do much to convince me Howard is staying in Orlando. If Miami walks away with a title this year I think he'll be marrying a Kardashian faster than you can say "Lamar Odom bunk beds."
Filed Under: NBA
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WDE24165 months
I think he will stay if the Magic can find a way to put another star with him. Unfortunately, they have paid too many role players star money, they may have a hard time doing that. Getting CP, or even Westbrook might do the trick, but I am not sure the Magic have the right pieces to make trade for either. They would have to get creative in a multiple team deal.
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UFownstSECsince1950165 months

take his talents to the Los Angeles Lakers

:rotflmao: I don't get why people cannot comprehend that Dwight can't go to L.A.

With that being said, I'd be surprised if he does stay in Orlando cause he has shite for teammates and it would be best for him to go somewhere else. Sorry Laker fanboys, he won't be signing with yall though.....
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WDE24165 months

Dwight can't go to L.A.
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UFownstSECsince1950165 months
Cause the Lakers are fricked with their salary situation worse than anyone right now and can't afford someone like Dwight (or any other big name in 2012). Only way he goes to L.A. is if the Magic give him to the Lakers, and that ain't gonna happen. He can't just sign with them after next season, so it's funny when every Laker fan proclaims, "D.Howard to the Lakers!! Dynastyyy"
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WDE24165 months
I think everyone saying he goes to the Lakers is envisioning a situation where Howard forces a sign and trade a la Carmelo. I suspect it would involve Howard saying he isn't going to resign and demanding a trade. It would also have to involve Bynum coming back in the trade.
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TigerRantMan99165 months
He is just being P.C. man. Until he signs an extension nothing said verbally really matters.
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Larry Leo165 months
Speaking of ESPN, it's turned into the OSU/Miami Heat Channel. Terrible.
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supatigah165 months
Of course he says all of this now
Part of the negotiations
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Larry Leo165 months
Ha...No, why? Are they hiring?
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Walt OReilly165 months
do you work for ESPN too?
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