The lead singer from the band Staind, Aaron Lewis, sang the National Anthem before Game 5 of the World Series, but unfortunately he forgot some of the words...

He missed "at the twilight's last gleaming" and went for "were so gallantly streaming." And he knows...
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Where has Staind been?
Filed Under: MLB
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jrous19119 months
these videos are so hard to watch because of how cringe worthy they are.
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LSULyle00690119 months
It's been a while....since this guy was relevant
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Dr Van Nostrand119 months
What do you expect? Stupid is as stupid does
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GregAl119 months
I'll bet most folks didn't even catch the error. He sang it a little slow for my taste, though.
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slinger1317119 months
Maybe he should have tattoed the lyrics on his neck
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