Favorite team:Auburn 
Number of Posts:355
Registered on:11/30/2012
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Florida Uniforms

Posted by Dr Van Nostrand on 8/24/19 at 9:08 pm
UF pants look like they are wearing string bikinis underneath them.

A 5 year performance based contract.
$450k per 2018 regular season win.
Win Iron Bowl +$150k.
Win West +$250k
Win SEC +$1M
Win NC +$2M

Gus would be at $4.9 now with $3M left for the taking.

Pay increases- 5% increase to above numbers yearly for 2019,2020,2021,2022

Buyout- if fir
Auburn will be "most improved" by spring and over summer and then will disappoint again in 2016.....
Speaking of things that AU fans have that bammers don't...do you mean like degrees from our universities and ....class? Lol!
Henry becomes the first deserving Alabama player to win. Won't be close and shouldn't be. The best player on probably the best team.
This. Minus the swastikas.
Shitty teams go to shitty bowl games and still roll to them pimp style....then end up losing money to play in a loser unnecessary bowl
AU should decline the impending crappy bowl invite and use the time and money to start seriously recruiting players and coaches for 20
Should have been a penalty.

Refs and coaches called a bad game today.

I know everyone that cares about AU is pissed and scratching our heads but this extra back and forth between fans of the same program only makes us all look silly.
War Eagle Anyway!
Sorry. There is zero chance that Miss St beats the bumps.
I think will be similar to last Sat.
May stay close for close to 3 quarters but AU loses by 10-12 points.

Coaches interrupt somewhat successful drives by putting JJ in and then don't even have enough faith in their own plays and players to risk it on 4th and short in the red zone.

Pass def

re: Question about Heisman Room

Posted by Dr Van Nostrand on 11/2/15 at 10:36 pm
The one in the Tigers Den in Jordan Hare?
Got nothing to do with the Heisman winners or the Heisman Society seating section below the press box.
It's a private room where they try to seal the deal with recruits to commit or donors contemplating a big or bigger donation.
It's all fun and games

re: Beating UGA

Posted by Dr Van Nostrand on 11/2/15 at 10:28 pm
"Beating UGA....."

Let me just stop you right there.

Despite his antics and off field issues, his receivers could catch the football!
Ours couldn't catch the clap in an Arkansas whorehouse!

re: Who deserves to be fired?

Posted by Dr Van Nostrand on 10/24/15 at 1:02 pm
B) Lashlee is a Malzhan apprentice and brings nothing to the offensive game plan that Gus hasn't already thought of and can't offer any new ideas in the event of a down game or season. No recruiting advantage by having him as the O coordinator.

C) Dameyune was a great player but was hired as a t
Should have kept his name Jay.... Jeremiah likes the illegal substances too much!
I'm sure he has saved or invested his millions wisely though so no big deal.
Rock on Jay.... Keep it real!
That's actually a pretty funny retort. Up vote
Thanks . It's a good read and prob even some truth to it. Only part I will openly disagree with is that we lost our best wr. He is a thug, lazy arse and has helped suck the life out of our program. AU needs a real receivers coach that would not tolerate this kind of drag arse pouty behavior on the fie

re: rest of the schedule

Posted by Dr Van Nostrand on 9/26/15 at 9:44 pm
Completely agree. No confidence or balls by coaching staff.
Heads needs to roll

re: IF we have a losing season

Posted by Dr Van Nostrand on 9/19/15 at 9:06 pm
Only San Jose st and Idaho are winnable with this bunch.
Put in Tucker Tuberville.....can't be worse than the shite show that Kiehl Frazier Jr. #6 is
putting on. And coaches are gonna keep him in.... ?????