I don't know why this reporter as Prince Fielder if he "understands what Lou Gehrig was going through' at his retirement press conference today, but I think Prince had the right answer...
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Filed Under: MLB
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LSULyle0069097 months
Is every person in that family a fat arse?
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You seem really fun and edgy.
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LSULyle0069097 months
Why is his son sitting next to a dust mop?
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Dwood3097 months
Lol, oh motherfricker that was funny. I had to rewind and zoom in to realize it was a person. Hats off my man!!!
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Black n Gold97 months
Was the reporter laughing as he asked that question?
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That was completely disrespectful.
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ErectileReptile97 months
Honestly not weird really. Questions about another athlete's career ending illness during a press conference about another players career ending injury in the same sport.
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gothibhigh97 months
Your kidding right?? One is a neck injury that keeps him from swinging a bat, the other is a life threating and altering disease that has no cure.... How can you find the two even remotely similar??
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