This is just awesome. During Tuesday's game against the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field, the St. Louis Cardinals took hazing rookies to a new amazing place by sending rookie pitchers Miguel Socolovich, Mitch Harris and Marcus Hatley on a Starbucks run...
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Filed Under: MLB
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nvasil1110 months
The Dodgers sent rookies to Starbucks when they were at Wrigley a couple of weeks ago. Cards can't stop stealing ideas from other teams apparently...
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Lsu101205110 months
"Hmmm. You think sending rookies to get coffee is "awesome" and starbucks is an "amazing" place? You're fascinated by the simplest of things."

If you cant see the humor in this then I feel sorry for anyone you come in contact with.
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Geert Hammink_43110 months
Hmmm. You think sending rookies to get coffee is "awesome" and starbucks is an "amazing" place? You're fascinated by the simplest of things.
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