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re: 2025 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by nvasil1 on 2/12/25 at 8:49 pm
Briscoe wins Toyota's first Daytona 500 pole easy.

Three SHR drivers in the top 5!

re: 2025 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by nvasil1 on 2/12/25 at 8:43 pm
Look at the 21 with some speed tonight. Fun to see.

re: 2025 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by nvasil1 on 2/12/25 at 8:21 pm
Wow, Briscoe smoked everybody with that lap.

re: 2025 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by nvasil1 on 2/12/25 at 7:46 pm
Truex locked in. Glad to see it.

It's going to take me a minute to remember McDowell isn't driving that Love's 34 anymore.
I started listening during work, and it was good stuff, but eventually turned it off because it was so exhausting. It's a lot of information to digest in one sitting.

Benz even asks at one point if he's talking too much.:lol:

i wish theyd look into epstein instead of this.

She announced that they would be, including RFK, MLK, UFOs, Covid 19, and 9/11. JFK is just the first investigation.

re: Google is losing it's pride

Posted by nvasil1 on 2/11/25 at 1:49 pm


Yes, because immorality and no common sense is the way to go!

That’s basically where we are with the current administration.



I said he's always pissed off.

Is he? Trolling his opponents in speeches and shitposting on social media only indicates that he has a gift for pissing others off. :lol:

The View, which averaged 2.508 million

I'm convinced most of their audience comes from conservative and independent media who hate-watch for batshit crazy clips to share.

Even the left-leaning women I know don't actually watch it.

The high for Santa Clara CA was 78.8 on that day

The 49ers also requested to wear their throwbacks a week in advance, just as a precaution because of the forecast.

Of course, Time makes it sound like they walked out of the tunnel on Sunday, suddenly realized how hot it was, and j

re: This game blows

Posted by nvasil1 on 2/9/25 at 7:29 pm
Blowouts in championship games can actually be pretty entertaining.

The Seahawks-Broncos and Buccaneers-Chiefs Super Bowls were hilarious.

Jason Sehorn in 2001

Still one of the coolest plays I've ever seen.

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Elon wants to control you, enslave you, and eventually kill you.

This is more a description of Bill Gates than anyone. He loves the idea of population control, whereas Elon believes everybody should be having more babies.

the team font is a little too blocky

It looks like they used the font from the actual FOX logo.

The C in KC looks lind of like the O in FOX.


Could of
Should of
Would of

Drives me irrationally crazy

For those that don't know, it's

Could've or could have
Should've or should have
Would've or would have

re: Democrats doubling down?

Posted by nvasil1 on 2/5/25 at 11:35 am

I think it is the reason they continue to double down, is that next time they will at least put someone up that can put a sentence together.

Their bench right now is weak and shallow, though. They'd need a golden child like Obama to emerge with a consolidated message soon, but I don

Didn’t Norah just swap from CBS Evening News anchor to to their Senior Correspondent?

That tends to be what happens when the anchor gets forced out. Scott Pelley moved to a senior correspondent role. So did Rather, until his contract ran out.

re: The disappearance of AT&T Lilly

Posted by nvasil1 on 2/5/25 at 10:25 am

Don't they bring her out for March Madness?

March Madness probably helped end her at AT&T.

The same annoying commercials were on constantly every break, and people finally got sick of her.

[quote]On an August 2024 episode of "Trash Tuesday," Milana Vayntrub hinted that her da
That looks horrible. Again. This franchise desperately needs a break.


The phrasing of the last sentence in that tweet is weird as frick.

Yeah, what the hell is that? It makes it sound like people expected Trump to skip the game because both QBs are black.:lol: