Where's Sammy Sosa you may ask? Or maybe not...Well, let me tell you. He's currently in Miami creepin on with Miss Dominican Republic 2015, Clarissa Molina...

Filed Under: MLB
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Just_Fight_Baby94 months
This might be the easiest job you'll ever screw up, Larry.
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PortCityTiger2494 months
If Eddie and Herman Munster had a love child...
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SoulGlo94 months
Did he steal Michael Jackson's hyperbaric chamber? Dude looks like a fricking vampire. He's not creeping on her, he's trying to bite her neck. and yeah, she fine
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ctiger6994 months
She is beautiful.
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roguetiger1594 months
Starting to think he was embalmed about 6 years ago
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SarkAfterDark94 months
And Larry is calling someone a creep...
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IIxxBREADxxII94 months
That's a damn shame he did that to himself. Be you Sammy don't lighten your skin to fit in bro
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PeteRose94 months
Sammy, better check your white privilege.
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crewdepoo94 months
Y'all always hating of Sosa. He is and always will be a boss. Creeping? LOL
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NikeShox94 months
Sosa looks like a ventriloquist doll.
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dj3094 months
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justausedcarguy94 months
She is FAF
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saint amant steve94 months
Vitiligo is a motherfricker.
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El Campo Tiger94 months
I would creep on her too.
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saint tiger22594 months
Larry, wtf is your deal with finding about 10 different people and stalking them? Good Lord man, sports lite has potential to be decent but you butcher it with your stalking. And to think your creepy arse has any room to talk about someone else being creepy.
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LsuNav94 months
Leave Sammy Sosa alone.
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SomeLSUguy94 months
Is that even Sammy Sosa? I feel like he is a few shades lighter than he used to be... She may have just been had by an impersonator.
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Placebeaux94 months
Lootcy! Chuuv got some splainin to do
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Tamer of beasts94 months
Nothing he did was creepy. It seems the girl initiated the video and he behaved normally. You seem to like to calling guys creepy to make yourself feel less of one.
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lsu200694 months
Holy shite, Larry, you just called someone else creepy?
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airportwhiskey94 months
Was his goal to look like a vampire? If so, nailed it.
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semperfitolsu94 months
I was thinking the same thing. Or maybe he is.
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A. Dixon Your Face94 months
I laughed way too hard at this spot on assessment.
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