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Number of Posts:366
Registered on:10/4/2011
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My parents, brother, and I are renting a house in Mandalay for 3-4 days Christmas week. We're coming in from Shreveport. Dad, brother, and I will be fishing while my mom will check out the plantation houses and needle point. Where can I buy some live preferably larger and $4 a pound if that's not as

re: #me too...Too much.

Posted by Tamer of beasts on 11/20/17 at 9:36 pm
you must be perfect

re: #me too...Too much.

Posted by Tamer of beasts on 11/20/17 at 9:35 pm
Yea it was stupid, cut back drinking since then so it doesn't happen again

re: #me too...Too much.

Posted by Tamer of beasts on 11/20/17 at 9:20 pm
I was blackout drunk and grabbed a girl's breast at a bar that I didn't even remember. I was charged with felony sexual battery after she reported it that night. Luckily got it reduced. Scariest months of my life. Being a new college grad I didn't have much saved and spent all I had on that case. I'
At work, I sit across from 4, 50 yr old women who chain smoke. Their voices sound like darth vaders and when one leaves to smoke they all talk shite about her.
Because anyone willing to gamble money on a consistent basis usually isn't a standup guy
As a petroleum engineer this could be good; it's not something that isn't understood by anyone who graduated with the degree. We actually cover thoroughly about oil-water-gas-rock contact with each other and the associated physics. Whatever the discovery is that this guy has will most likely be avai
I'm tired of getting these 3 day long stints of being sick. They seem to be from allergies. The aching weak body, slight fever, running nose, can't sleep, sinus pressure takes me off my normal routine once every one to two months. My mom swears by the allergy shots where they inject you with what yo
I'm a petroleum engineer but never really learned the English language. Hooked on phonics and Rosetta Stone got me where I am today.
His possy and him are thugs. I was waiting on a flight from Dallas to Shreveport in the terminal. I saw a group of black guys acting obnoxious because the flight kept getting delayed. It turned out to be him and BWA, but I didn't know it at the time. He had this pitbull with him which I couldn't fig
Best answer by far and I'm a petroleum engineer

re: 2016 Worst Year Ever List

Posted by Tamer of beasts on 12/12/16 at 6:04 pm
What does that map describe? I have no idea what best estimate rainfall annual exceed Anne probability means
Shut up, you know we all would do that and not wait to go down further to u-turn. You're just saying that to make yourself feel like a better person and get upvotes on the OT.


takes balls to block up the road way like that... go down and make a U-ey

Cubicle coworkers farting

Posted by Tamer of beasts on 11/30/16 at 3:03 pm
I work in a cubicle. I had a question for the guy next to me and when I rolled over to him he was bent over with his face in his crotch taking in one of the most intense sniffs. I rolled back to observe. He let out an "ahhhhhh" afterwards. I guess he couldn't get enough so he started fanning it into

New Orleans Churches

Posted by Tamer of beasts on 11/27/16 at 7:25 pm
What are good churches in New Orleans for singles in their 20's? I'm baptist but will go to any denomination especially for some talent.

re: Fake it until you make it....

Posted by Tamer of beasts on 11/21/16 at 1:58 pm
I got a job as a Petroleum Engineer right out of college this past May because I busted my arse and cold called 150-200 companies, drove all around Louisiana and East Texas knocking on doors. Not because of connections or faking it. Faking it could be true in a BS job.
You must have not spent more than 2 weeks in Louisiana if you think that there's anything called a county in Louisiana. Here, it goes town/city>parish>state>country

Iowa, LA is a town in Calcasieu Parish

Ridiculous Coworkers

Posted by Tamer of beasts on 11/20/16 at 8:26 am
Im an engineer offshore and have come across generic perfection. This 400 lb guy has been working here for 10 years on 14 on 14 off schedule and no one here has seen him brush his teeth once. His teeth are rotting and deteriorating into the size of shark's. His breathe is unrelatably bad. He's tryin