Crystal LoGiudice-USA TODAY Sports
A 21-year old man was arrested for climbing a security fence and entering a secure area behind Mike VI’s habitat on campus last weekend while Mike VI was in Tiger Stadium. Per The Advocate:

LSU police arrested Trent Paul Boudreaux, 21, of Cut Off, on criminal trespassing after witness reports of a man inside the tiger habitat security fence near the loading dock were confirmed by security cameras, Ballard said.

Boudreaux scaled a fence about 8 feet high and damaged it, Ballard said.

Boudreaux also was cited with simple criminal damage and was issued a misdemeanor summons but was not booked into jail, Ballard said.
Boudreaux is not an LSU student, according to the report.
Filed Under: LSU Sports
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timm6971463113 months
I have never climbed in with mike,but I have always wanted too !
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timm6971463113 months
I have never climbed in with mike,but I have always wanted too !
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Dirty Don113 months
Mike was disappointed the guy didn't make inside either
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AlbertMeansWell113 months
"I said I'm not afraid anymore!" -Roy Horn-
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Roarforthetigers113 months
To bad Mike wasn't there to Cut Off Boudreaux's thing -a-ma-jig
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BobABooey113 months
Some guy went inside the outer cage one night in the later '80s. He didn't go inside the inner cage where Mike lived. Cops showed up and the guy demanded a meeting with Jose Vargas. The cops got Jose, they talked, and the guy surrendered.
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Skaboosh113 months
Layabout, read the entire article you idiot.
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GeauxToBed113 months
Comment below this one is dumb.
user avatar
Layabout113 months
Another LSU scholar.
user avatar
Jockamo113 months
Didn't realize we still kept mike 4 somewhere on campus. Mike 6 though, doubt anyone would try to climb in his cage.
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SpookeyTiger113 months
Boudreaux from Cut Off. Says it all. ROFL
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CelticDog113 months
two dudes did that at the San Fran zoo 8 or 10 years ago. They got in the tiger area and tried to mock and tease him. They climbed back out. Tiger jumped the 15 foot fence and ran them down and killed one.
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rattlebucket113 months
His last name makes the story sound like a joke
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mglsu21113 months
"Hold my beer"...
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CHEDBALLZ113 months
He's a Babuso baby
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sportsaddit68113 months
No need to say "not an lsu student". People from Cut Off rarely get high school diplomas.
user avatar
Wild Thang113 months
Most likely some crazy aggy living in Cut Off
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