Filed Under: LSU Football
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cajunguy47 months
Annnd that's about it,. Great pass. Is it too late to fire a defensive coordinator?? That guy gets paid wayyyy too much to do his job, a whopping 2.35 million a year to win one game out of the first 3 games. Come on really, any defensive analysts can put up better results than that. Pick up a bumm off the street I guarantee you that person is far better and that offensive line to block for the running back. Wow they need some work too
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X123F4547 months
The speed at which that ball hit that kid's hands. You can hear it.
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BRgetthenet47 months
We suck
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BleedgurpleTX47 months
Well..: there you have it.. sad and pathetic. LSU is officially pretty pathetic and will lose every single game going forward. but that Vandy game looked good!
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BleedgurpleTX47 months
Well..: there you have it.. sad and pathetic. LSU is officially pretty pathetic and will lose every single game going forward. but that Vandy game looked good!
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BleedgurpleTX47 months
Well..: there you have it.. sad and pathetic. LSU is officially pretty pathetic and will lose every single game going forward. but that Vandy game looked good!
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WhiskeyPlease47 months
Gilbert is going to be a Super Star.
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CanebreakCajun47 months
This is a bad defense. Thank god Florida has a bad defense. That said. This is a really, really bad defense.
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RightWingTiger47 months
It’s been awhile since LSU & UF both had shite defenses! Next week may be another 80-90+ Total. My guess is that UFs Defense can’t possibly be as ATROCIOUS as LSUs appears to be! But I hope I’m wrong & they suck equally with LSU!!!
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weeble47 months
This is a practice season, right? Right?????
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RightWingTiger47 months
We suck at PRACTICE if it is!!
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BleedgurpleTX47 months
Doesn’t matter. The rest of the team and game plan is horrible... this team WILL lose 5 or 6 games. Maybe more. Their D is embarrassing. Their O line is weak. As long as we don’t expect too much from them, it won’t hurt as bad.
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jbird747 months
Bo Pelini needs to go
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RightWingTiger47 months
Pelini needs to go & if he’s got an ounce of Professional pride he will give every cent of pay he’s owed back, walk away quietly & NEVER return to Baton Rouge!
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