Filed Under: LSU Football
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Zuave4Ever48 months
Man o man I don’t miss that offense
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BabyTac48 months
Great player to watch. Thanks for your efforts while at LSU, LF7! I’ll never forget the aTm run freshman year.
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SpeckTigerLure48 months
First clip look at Pocic and Clapp pancake blocks at the same time!
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LSUtigers201948 months
I remember this run. Those were the days of waking up hungover as shite, drinking right away again, stuffing a water bottle of liquor in my boot and walked into student section.
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BabyTac48 months
Find a meeting
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Peepdip48 months
That sounds terrible. No one glorified alcoholism like South Louisiana
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Ace Midnight48 months
That one hit looked like the defender was in a car crash. That's brutal offensive play right there.
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Patfic1548 months
LF7 never has/had any heart on the field. Overrated. Our FB version of Simmons.
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CanebreakCajun48 months
Stfu loser
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Peepdip48 months
He’s not a fullback you stupid frick.
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CFFreak48 months
Sorry but the dismal performances against Bama soured me on Fournette along with quitting on the bowl game.
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Coach Buzzcut48 months
Les miles offense Playing in a meaningless bowl
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Peepdip48 months
That wasn’t Fournetts fault
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lsualum9648 months
I still don't understand this kind of sentiment. Anyone who watched those two games could see he was getting NO HELP at all from the OL. He was hit in the backfield almost everytime he got the ball.
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AustinKnight48 months
For real though maybe it’s because I know we sucked with him I appreciate Clyde and his moves more
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Ikneauxnuffin48 months
That damn toss dive...good riddance!
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Ikneauxnuffin48 months
That damn toss dive...good riddance!
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FowlGuy48 months
I thought that first play on second vid was gonna be toss left. Man I was fooled.
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Lsutigerturner48 months
Man I forget how much we ran him. He took a beating in college so damn predictable
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IIxxBREADxxII48 months
Wow 5 years have gone in a flash. Time feels like its faster when you get older
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HonoraryCoonass48 months
Those Auburn defenders wanted no part of Leonard. Bunch of pooscatores. No chest!
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AustinKnight48 months
If only we had a passing game
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smash williams48 months
Five years ago...jeesh time flies
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Longdriver9848 months
Props to Fournette for a great game, but God what a boring offense to watch.
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TigahTeeth48 months
Les Miles sucked the life out of the most gifted running back to ever run for LSU.
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X Carter Is Fast48 months
What are you talking about
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reauxl tigers48 months
37 yards is what he’s talking about
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X Carter Is Fast48 months
So he had the best career of any LSU running back, and les miles sucked the life out of hiM bc of one game against Alabama?
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