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Wilson Alexander of The Advocate reports that LSU assistant coach John Jancek is no longer on Brian Kelly's staff.

Jancek joined Kelly’s staff in 2022 as a senior defensive analyst and was promoted in 2023 to special teams coordinator and outside linebackers coach. His duties shifted to defensive line coach before fall camp when Jimmy Lindsey stepped away for health concerns.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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Tiger in Texas12 months
We needed a clean break from anyone associated with that defensive staff last year! Good they got rid of another piece of bad karma in the air...
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BIG Texan12 months
The worst coach of all time for LSU, good riders!
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JCinBAMA12 months
So no improvement on Defense this year. lol
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NPComb12 months
"2022 as a senior defensive analyst and was promoted in 2023 to special teams coordinator" - :Oooofff:
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skiboman112 months
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BigTigerJoe12 months
Peter principle
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SwampyWaters12 months
Sometimes it's best for a coach to move on. Wish him the best moving forward.
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cypresstiger12 months
Respect his decision
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Strannix12 months
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