Crystal LoGiudice-USA TODAY Sports
According to Scott Rabalais with The Advocate, LSU athletic Director Joe Alleva keeps getting pressure to move the Tigers football game with Texas A&M to Thanksgiving day, but he continues to refuse.

“As long as I’m here, we will not play in Tiger Stadium on a Thursday,” Alleva said. “I guarantee you that.”
Alleva said he hopes to get a firm date on the LSU-Texas A&M game later this month at the SEC Spring Meeting, according to Rabalais.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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Schmelly117 months
It's makes a difference to season ticket holders who already get stripped of a good home game by them playing in Hou/Dal (which I like). We don't want to have one of the few premier home games played on a dam Thursday. Alleva better stick to his guns
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Spankum117 months
It really makes no difference to me, as I will not be driving there on either thanksgiving or black long as it is on tv, I'm good...
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Chitter Chatter117 months
It is whatever CBS wants to happen
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Ponchy Tiger117 months
I am ok with friday kinda got used to the friday game with the pigs. Why not a compromise. Friday night on CBS.
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Chaseff117 months
I have no problem with the game being played on Friday. I
It will be on Thanksgiving Day when the game is played at College Station, which us fine because it is their place. I like being able sit back on Saturday and watch the other games.
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Tiger inTampa117 months
Loved the Friday games. My family had a little spark of a tradition started when they played them. Guys would hang out and cook watch the Tigers while the ladies whooped arse on Black Friday deals.
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tigerbutt117 months
LSU doesn't need the TV money that bad to have to play on Thanksgiving day.
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LouisianaLonghorn117 months
I hope he's right, but never underestimate the power of the almighty dollar. If the game doesn't get moved to Thanksgiving night, I won't be surprised to see us play on Friday like we used to against Arkansas.
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