Matthew Emmons-USA TODAY Sports
LSU star cornerback Greedy Williams announced Sunday on Twitter that he will enter the 2019 NFL Draft.

In the Tweet, Williams did not specify whether or not he will skip the Fiesta Bowl but an LSU official confirmed to The Advocate that he will not play in the game.

Williams will not play in the Fiesta Bowl, an LSU official confirmed.

Several media organizations predict Williams will be a Top 10 pick in the NFL Draft, including CBS Sports, which predicts Williams will be selected No. 3 overall.
Williams is a finalist for the Jim Thorpe Award, which is given annually to the top defensive back in the nation and is expected to be a top 10 draft pick.

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At the time of Williams' announcement, head coach Ed Orgeron was speaking on the Fiesta Bowl Teleconference and said that he has not spoken with any players about skipping the postseason game but will sort that all out soon.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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225Tyga71 months
Frustrating and Selfish.
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TWT71 months
Greedy was concerned that his NFL value dropped after A&M game. He didn't want to risk his value dropping after another bad game.
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foj198171 months
Just wanted to be the 100th post. Carry on
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Bige1171 months
Buy a high priced insurance, then play the game. You secure your future, and you get to play the game you love for the school you love. This should just be built into the process.
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Gumbo171 months
Greedy got greedy. Kind of like Bosa at Ohio State but at least Greedy played the whole regular season. Still love Greedy though. He is making a business decision and didn't want to drop in the draft like Beckwith did.
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makelsugreatagain71 months
It’s one thing to be offered the a five figure salary if he sits out the bowl game. It’s another to be offered millions of dollars and much more opportunity to play football against the greatest. I respect people that stay more than ever but also respect people that are trying to secure their future for themselves and their family. If you want to hate then hate the system not the player.
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GeauxLSUGeaux71 months
Thank you for your service
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Big Sway71 months
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Stingy71 months
Greedy needs to do what he feels is best for him at this moment. He's worked hard his entire football career to get to this point, and if he's hesitant about one game I don't blame him for sitting out. Millions are at stake!
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eugene1928LSU71 months
I'm assuming he probably isn't finishing his school semester either, really it's a bad precedent all in all.
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eugene1928LSU71 months
After some thought and lots of coffee, who gave greedy the opportunity to craft his skills? LSU that's who. I understand the NFL deal, but let's say he has career ending injury occur, LSU still gives him a free education to pursue a career of his choosing. Bottom line is I think the players OWE the university of their choosing, not to mention the coaches and their teammates your best effort for a much deserved bowl game. It's the right thing to do, should be part of one's character, something that's lost in this day and age.
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GatorRaiderBait71 months
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GatorRaiderBait71 months
He doesn’t OWE anyone anything but his family. If he doesn’t want to risk injury when he could be a TOP 3 PICK, i don’t blame him.
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eugene1928LSU71 months
So grb, you're saying you owe nothing to the University that provided an opportunity and path of life/education for these young men? You and I have a different value system and outlook on life for sure. We're probably from a couple of generations in age.
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CDawson71 months
Unfortunately this is what big time sports have become. As stated on a couple of comments, he should have just quit after the Bama game if he wasn't going to finish the year. He was already a lock top 10 pick by then anyway. If you don't have anything to play for then mail it in earlier. I think it is a big black eye for sports when this happens. Nature of the beast they say...
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SomeLSUguy71 months
I do not like this on a lot of levels... I understand it, but don't like it. I thought to myself, "Devin White is the ultimate Tiger, if he sits out then I really can't blame either of them and that is simply where this sport/program is headed." But DW is going to play and it makes me not like Greedy's decision that much more. DW has just as much to lose by playing in this game. Good on you DW, best of luck Greedy.
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panzer71 months
God, Family, Country, ....the rest....Godspeed Greedy!
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Lsu10120571 months
On one hand I can't blame him. On the other hand its not my favorite move. But either way happy for Greedy and cant wait to see him spread that DBU tradition.
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I understand the dilemma of risk vs reward, but what would be the difference if he would have pulled out after the Bama game? If a player now knows he's a top prospect and has little to no chance of the playoffs they can sit out and everyone should accept it because he could risk injury. I don't agree. The team helped him become the player he is.
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mcpotiger71 months
Thank you and Good luck
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SLAP9971 months
This is far more helpful to the long term recruiting interests of LSU than the relative benefit in the bowl game against a team that we're favored against by 10. Now if Devin White does the same, that's a little more problematic.
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Ripley71 months
Well... bye
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BigPerm3071 months
Good luck to the kid. I can't blame him. Why risk millions of dollars for an exhibition game that only makes the school and sponsors millions? Isn't it selfish for the school to put its interests in front of its students?
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