Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports
Former LSU and current Cincinnati Bengals running back Jeremey Hill was in Bristol, CT Thursday morning to appear on ESPN SportsCenter where he was asked about his alma mater and Les Miles.

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TNTigerman98 months
One of my favorite Tigers over the past five years.
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LelandSU98 months
Hope Hill has a great year. Was heartbreaking how his season ended last year:
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Tiger198898 months
When your players love playing for you. That's a mark of a leader...
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doze498 months
Well said Jeremy. Very proud of you. Keep working hard.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy98 months
Ole boy sounded well spoken
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TheWalrus98 months
Did well on family feud too.
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LoveThatMoney98 months
Glad these guys that are doing well in the NFL are backing up their alma mater so well. If nothing else, gives the appearance of camaraderie at all levels, which feeds the public image of LSU and keeps the train moving forward.
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LSUANDY2598 months
Its way mote than an appearance. Les has built a fine program for all to appreciate.
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ShlikStyck98 months
cliff notes for us at work firewall people?
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BUGAtGOAT98 months
Asked if he could beat Buga in a footrace. Declined to answer but said he's a phenonmenal talent. Asked if Les is as entertaining behind closed doors. Responded "Absolutely, you never know what he's going to say. I've never played for a coach as fun as him". Spoke very well, seemed a bit nervous (could just be his quiet personality).
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