Nelson Chenault-USA TODAY Sports
Filed Under: LSU Football
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biscuitsngravy70 months
trying to cover for some deficencies.. translation, the oline play is so terrible, we can't really do much.
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Pahnew70 months
"We need to simplify." Umm...
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CanebreakCajun70 months
Will we ever get to see Shelvin play? He was one of those Rivals 5 stars everyone said we need.
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Spelt it rong70 months
He played last game quite a bit.
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CanebreakCajun70 months
Guess I missed it. thanks
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goodgrin70 months
How do you miss a 347 pound NG in a game? LOL
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tigernation5670 months
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nastytaco470 months
You're pathetic. Regardless of if you approve, he is completely transparent and honest. I have some disappointments, but I try and see the picture that we are two wins from a season few believed in with the schedule we played.
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Spelt it rong70 months
The only "bullshite" is where he said it was a good win. What's wrong with the rest?
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