During ESPN's College Football Live on Thursday, analyst Joey Galloway spoke very highly of LSU quarterback Brandon Harris and said that the Tigers are the No. 2 team in the country.

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"Brandon Harris is the reason why LSU is the second best team in the country," Galloway said. "You don't hear a lot of people talk about Brandon Harris and how important he is to this LSU offense."

"He does not turn the ball over, and he hasn't made bad decisions this season. And as long as they can run it enough, they don't have to get 250 yards out of Leonard Fournette every single week, but Brandon Harris has been good enough to win football games when they struggle to run a little bit."
Filed Under: LSU Football
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DrSteveBrule112 months
I thought he evolved during the USCe game. We will see if it was for real this weekend.
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OU812112 months
The host in the middle called Florida DBU.
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Party At LSU112 months

Let everyone keep thinking we're one dimensional
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JAF65112 months
I agree.
I think the young man has done a great job managing the offense, keeping things moving & making sure the players are in and out the huddle efficiently.
His passing skills continue to improve and his threat of running is another plus to the team!
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Mouth112 months
I forgive him for rail roading the Saints all those years.
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