Filed Under: LSU Basketball
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brewdrees72 months
Sad part of all this is, he didn;t know how much he was loved by all these people.
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alumni9572 months
Expected to see something from Shaq (daddy Wayne’s teammate), but then understandably read Shaq also has immediate pressing health concerns with his son.
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Mouth72 months
Chaisson. wtf kinda tweet is that?
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Ponchy Tiger72 months
I am sure he meant nothing bad with it he is just sharing is raw feelings at that moment.
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Farkwad72 months
Dudes hurting and mental images of loved ones passing are hard to get out of your head. Speaking from experience
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Mouth72 months
I mean, he calls him “ya dude”. Obviously he meant nothing bad. It just rubbed me the wrong way.
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NFLU772 months
Very upsetting. Another young mans life taken due to unnecessary violence. This has to stop.
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