Stephen Lew-USA TODAY Sports
Per BATON ROUGE – The Will Wade era of LSU Basketball opened with a resounding win Friday night as the largest opening crowd in at least the last 20 years (11,856) saw the Tigers lead wire-to-wire in scoring a convincing, 99-59, win over Alcorn State at the Pete Maravich Assembly Center.

The win was played in the way that may become some of the norm for LSU in the months and years ahead – hardnosed, blue collar basketball with offensive ball movement that leads to good shots and a team that plays with a chemistry that gives fans a reason to come back and see where things go from here.

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Filed Under: LSU Basketball
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Farkwad87 months
Nice crowd! Excited about LSU b-ball!
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Just_Fight_Baby87 months
Digging the hustle and intensity from start to finish - the culture change is REAL. Congratulations to our Tigers and CWW for making hoops fun again!
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oline526487 months
Two things I liked most outside of the win: 1) the players played every minute with high intensity. There were plenty of times that they could have taken lazy shots because of their lead. These guys seem to be all in. The season will tell. 2) CWW coached the last 10 minutes of the game in the same manner he coached the first 10 minutes. I'm so excited Scout the season, that I actually looked at the schedule for the first time since 2006.
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Croozin287 months
Almost 12k fans for the Alcorn game. There is some serious excitement once again over LSU basketball - and with good reason.
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AustinKnight87 months
I know a light weight win but already a much different vib. In years past we win by 5-8 tops against this team
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KennabraTiger87 months
With the exact same talent, LSU would’ve lost this game with JJ still here
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YogaPants87 months
They looked good tonight
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MondayMorningMarch87 months
Nice start! Wishing the team and Coach Wade well. Here's to much success moving forward!
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AustinKnight87 months
Ohh boy so it begins
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