Per BEAUMONT, Texas – A two-run single by third baseman Robin Adames in the bottom of the eighth inning Wednesday night lifted Lamar to a 12-11 victory over fifth-ranked LSU at Vincent-Beck Stadium.

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Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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LSU Patrick107 months
Well, there goes an undefeated season. Fire everybody!
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Horsemeat107 months
End of the world The sky is falling Fire Les Miles Am I overreacting correctly?
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Crusty107 months too many Blantons for me last night before I read about this. It's all good.
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cdav114107 months
It's baseball. Anyone can lose on any given day.
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TejasHorn107 months
Ah yes, the annual spring rite of LSU fans... coming to the cruel realization that sometimes you lose in baseball.
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KennabraTiger107 months
Les Miles has lost all control with both basketball and baseball
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WhoDatNC107 months
More like LSU defeats LSU in this one. Wow...
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hombreman9107 months
There's always football season
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Walt OReilly107 months
Relax crusty
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Crusty107 months
Seriously? WTF is going on with LSU sports???
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