Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:2467
Registered on:8/25/2011
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[quote] Last time we went, there was a guy in there wearing gym shorts..,[/quote] I'm curious, did you say anything to anyone at Ruth's regarding your displeasure? Online review? Comment card? Speak to a manager in person or maybe just a simple follow up email? Maybe they don't know that some...
Very common issue. It is actually the reason I switched from a Ford guy to a GMC Denali guy. Not only was my sunroof leaking, but some plastic parts in the motor broke and Tops Unlimited wanted $2500 to fix it. Nah...traded it in on the GMC instead. ...
Playing Devil's Advocate, who did they actually call? My assumption would be the local PD...which I believe is an hour+ away from the rally? Why would the local PD think anything was up in relation to the rally? Why would they put those two together? Full disclaimer, the only info I have seen ...
Any chance that pump could seize and catch on fire?...
I'm confused. Why would you have to move if you retired? Who is making you move if you don't work for anyone?...
[quote]Y’all realize this is new spending right?[/quote] So, it won't be a 1:1 spend ratio for the state? Instead of giving $10K per student to a public school, couldn't the state give $7K to a private school instead? In my mind, private schools have stronger disciplinary guidelines than pu...
I wonder what kind of sandwich it was?...

re: Let's see what's new in tipping

Posted by Crusty on 6/20/24 at 10:33 am
Everyone bitches about tipping getting out of control...right after they just tipped the Jimmy John's worker for making your sandwich. Until everyone stops, more and more are going to ask. ...

re: Best job perks

Posted by Crusty on 6/18/24 at 10:54 am
[quote]Dozens of dollars saved on my end. Can't put a price on that.[/quote] [img]https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcWJvMWNtM2g4eGNvb2Vkd2JyN3VhZHU3cnB4aTdyaWMwZnFvYzlqbSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/h4Z6RfuQycdiM/giphy.gif[/img]...

re: These Shark Attacks

Posted by Crusty on 6/12/24 at 7:51 am
[quote]but I’ve wade fished Grand Isle, Elmers, my entire life[/quote] Darwinism cometh. ...
[quote]Ironically, there are going to be so many non-white people pulling all the usual tricks to try to get into SG schools because the BR schools are so bad.[/quote] Some, yes. "Many", I'm not so sure. Their free daycares will still be there. If many truly cared that much about school, we wo...
What’s crazy is the fact we were coached to slide to the outside corner of the bag, exactly like this. It takes the defensive player a split second longer to apply the tag from a throw down. Technically, based on your diagram I can see your point. But given the circumstances and the facts that i...
[quote]You must be occupying said property[/quote] That's what I understood as well, but I was waiting on BeerJeep to confirm?...
[quote]Btw castle doctrine exists, and extends to the vehicle, in Louisiana.[/quote] Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't this apply only if you feel a life is in danger? You can't just shoot someone if they are pulling on car doors, right?...
[quote]Just wow.[/quote] I assume you are suggesting that this scenario wouldn't happen??? Really? You think the hood rats who can legally posses a firearm (limited amount, I know) wouldn't take this opportunity if presented to them? You have more faith in them than I do....
You can't change the law to allow citizens to shoot people who may be breaking into their cars. Can you imagine how many people would get shot because of some other "beef" only to then be dragged next to a car so the shooter could claim that it looked like they were breaking in? If you were just w...
[quote]Thank goodness most of us are smart enough to have left Louisiana long ago .[/quote] What does this have to do with Louisiana? Where exactly did you move where there are no traffic accidents? ...

re: Rogue is better than Zyn

Posted by Crusty on 5/23/24 at 2:28 pm
[quote]The shape is better. Rogue is thicker so it stays put in your lip better, and also makes it easier to spit out when done.[/quote] Sounds like you and Rogue are pretty tight. Congrats....

re: Mustard Algae in Pool

Posted by Crusty on 5/23/24 at 10:58 am
Thank you sir. So, basically I have to buy a new Taylor kit every year?...

re: Mustard Algae in Pool

Posted by Crusty on 5/23/24 at 8:17 am
I'm not sure why, but I do not have a lot of confidence in the taylor test kits. It seems as though I have to put more drops into the samples than I should be. Maybe my kit has expired (3 years old)? I hear the test strips, albeit much easier and much quicker to use, are not accurate and yet when...