Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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SuckFickNaban56 months
What's up with all the most extreme posts in here not having a button to reply to?
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SaintLSU56 months
All schools have ignorant people in their fanbases. Majority of LSU fans are not this stupid.
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MSUDawg9856 months
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partyboy193056 months
Paul is low T as frick and needs to get fired. He’s lucky the baseball season was cancelled because he would be fired by now.
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ShortyRob56 months
Annnnnd another coach grovels
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PowerHallDregs56 months
This thread is a testament to why LSU didn't admit its first black football player onto the team until 1970. NEWS FLASH: Derek Stingley is BLACK folks! I know, shocking!
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rob6256 months
NEWS FLASH!! This is not about black or white. It is about nobody owes you an apology for something that didn't involve me, you, LSU, Louisiana, or anybody but the dumbass who committed the horrible act against George Floyd. WTF does that have to do with Will Wade, CPM, Orgeron, the President of LSU, or you?
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LSU82Cajun56 months
These statements by coaches, AD’s, School Presidents, SEC commissioner and Statements apologies by Brees are basically katowing/ bowing/virtue signaling/ apologizing in reality not to blacks in general but the left/ social justice warriors because they don’t want to be ‘ canceled’ . Sadly yes there are many problems in this country but according to the mainstream media and extreme leftist only a Purge will suffice. A total societal change. No police force, no laws, the total removal of all Conservatives, dump the Constitution will do with these Marxist. Lost in all this is racial harmony and a pursuit of happiness.
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LSU82Cajun56 months
@realDonaldTrump Mr. President sir I was a teacher for 28 years and worked in retail for 11 years both in predominantly black populations. I treated all blacks whether students, parents, coworkers and shoppers with dignity and respect. They were and always will be my equals as American citizens . But I will never kneel to the Social Justice Warriors who believe we must prostrate ourselves for all the sins of whites towards blacks.
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rob6256 months
They don't care about George Floyd. He is just the excuse they use to riot and steal. How does stealing a TV from Target or a Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory have anything to do with honoring or protesting in the name of George Floyd? It's just criminal activity. Plain and simple. In addition, I find it interesting that blacks are 13% of the US population but commit 52.5% of the murders in the US but the Black Community is quick to ignore these facts.
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rob6256 months
Yep. And fuk that.
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Tiger4life580356 months
I wonder if O will be pressured to do this. “We love LSU but coach we don’t want our son to play for someone that doesn’t support BLM”. This country is getting f’d. Hope you like taxes and overpriced everything boys! We’re going to be Europe with guns in 20 years.
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ShortyRob56 months
Jesus Christ this is just getting pathetic
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SaintLSU56 months
Jesus has nothing to do with these people lol
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Tiger4life580356 months
That might be the problem
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Vernonbrew2256 months
Can someone please tell me what I can do as a white man to give more advantages out.? I already feel guilty and was passed over for countless jobs during the Clinton and Obama years. Oh, can someone please hold Paul to the standard of his pay
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upgrayedd56 months
Hell, CPM can't even give his black players an advantage in the MLB
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ElRoos56 months
I'm now on the fire CPM bus. Wooo!
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CP3LSU2556 months
If anyone of these coaches met George Floyd before his murder they would have though he was a piece of shite human
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SuckFickNaban56 months
You also seem to be a piece of shite human, does that mean you deserve to die?
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Tiger4life580356 months
I love how no one was buying into this bullshite for years and now a couple more get caught on tape and now it’s to the point where Paul Maneiri is issuing statements and my intro screen when I log into Call of Duty says Black Lives Matter...bunch of sheep.
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Drizzt56 months
This weird national mind control where everyone has to post a statement saying things everyone already know is just bizarre. It’s like living in a communist country and you have to say you love Dear Leader every week or you the mob comes and gets you.
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upgrayedd56 months
It reads like a hostage video
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homeless156 months
rob62 has defected genes and lives in a house with tires on it,rob stop eating cheetos with the hand you use to scratch the lice out of your hair
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rob6256 months
Man that sounds racist. But that couldn't be coming from a Black Lives Matter supporter now could it? Lol.
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upgrayedd56 months
Was this even necessary?
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SaintLSU56 months
Lol Can’t wait
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rob6256 months
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SaintLSU56 months
Ignorant @ss people mad. Lol. Melt some more. I love this.
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rob6256 months
Y'all will see what a melt is if you SJWs continue this BS.
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Brazos56 months
Answer why this statement by Paul was necessary?
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homeless156 months
What a bunch of bunker baby bitches on this site,don't forget to turn off the lights and hold you boyfriends real tight
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rob6256 months
No we just don't agree with you Democrats and don't apologize to people who don't deserve an apology for something we didn't have anything to do with. In fact it's you and your type who are so insecure and unhappy with yourselves you constantly seek affirmation from white people. It is you who have the problem.
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PeteRose56 months
Sounds like a admission of guilt. This is how the mob operates.
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