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Meet 50-year-old , chain-smoking "Uncle Chen." This Guangzhou man 26.2 miles while chain-smoking cigarettes at the Xin’anjiang Marathon in Jiande, China on Nov. 6...

Chen -- who crossed the finish line with an impressive 3:28 time -- finished 574th overall out of nearly 1500 runners who competed ... despite taking heaters to the face throughout the race.
Chen has become a sensation for smoking during races -- in 2018, he blasted cigs during the Guangzhou Marathon, where he finished with a 3:36 time.

Adding to his legend ... Chen followed up his jaw-dropping performance in 2018 with another strong outing in 2019, finishing the Xiamen Marathon in 3:32, according to Canadian Running.

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Filed Under: General Sports
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Sevensblue22 months
Smoking is still popular in China...what a bunch of dumb azzes
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dehsloot22 months
Like a BOSS.
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GruntbyAssociation22 months
If I lived in China, I’d be trying to kill myself too.
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CAD703X22 months
Denyd is not going to take this news well
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CaptainsWafer22 months
I didn’t even know he was Asian!
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NPComb22 months
I frikkin knew smoking was healthy. Next race needs to be smoking doobies.
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DoubleDown22 months
I can't imagine he's actually inhaling. I think that's like an 8-9min mile for 26.2 miles. No way his lungs are taking cig smoke regularly and cranking out that speed - at 50+ years old too.
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