The Montgomery Advertiser down in Alabama awarded the NCAA national title to Syracuse on the masthead of their front page in today’s paper....

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Filed Under: General Sports
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jocvh142 months
Gumps gona Gump
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plutonium55142 months
Havent herd that one in a while texass.
BTW: what is it like to be the "King Of the hill" of the "Big whatever it is now"?? Looks more like a dung pile to me.
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TigerFlash142 months
""We would have won the game had colt not gotten hurt"......
How many more time do we have to hear that one Mr. TEXASS?????" - plutonium55 - 15 hours ago

Probably about as many more times as we have to hear from the gumps that Miles only won a National Championship because of Saban's players
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YMCA142 months
If this was Ole Miss instead of Syracuse they would be hanging banners.
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Ash Williams142 months
The editor had syracuse winning his bracket.

He was just trying to fool his buddies in the pool with him.
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Ignignot142 months
When I drive through Montgomery I feel the desire to kill myself.
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JustGetItRight142 months
It's the Montgomery Advertiser. Nobody reads it anyhow.
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plutonium55142 months
"We would have won the game had colt not gotten hurt"......
How many more time do we have to hear that one Mr. TEXASS?????

How's that whole "Mac Brown" deal working out...LOL!!!!!!!!!!
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Hook Em Horns142 months
Surprised they didn't hold a "People's National Championship" and award it to auburn.

They did...but Bama claimed it anyway.
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AU_RX142 months

Surprised they didn't hold a "People's National Championship" and award it to auburn.

They did...but Bama claimed it anyway.
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Crimson Legend142 months
It's Montgomery. Surprised they didn't hold a "People's National Championship" and award it to auburn.
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Jizzy08142 months
Surprised they didn't award it to Alabama
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