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During a game between Salesian High School and La Canada High School on September 4th, a Salesian player allegedly reached under a La Canada player's mask and rubbed IcyHot on his face. Here's the report from CBS Los Angeles...

This player being accused of the act is Rahyme Johnson, a four-star athlete in the 2017 class committed to UCLA. Man, with this and the targeting of refs, it's been a weird start to the high school football season. Let's keep these kids in check, eh?

Filed Under: General Sports
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mkibod1113 months
All I want for my birthday is a big Judy Ho.
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lsu2006113 months
"Let's keep these kids in check, eh?"

Hey Larry, why don't you stop interjecting your opinion? Shitty journalism, bro.
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Dignan113 months
Is that Icy Hot or did he get bukkaked?
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Dignan113 months
What happened to a good old fashioned buttstache or a dreaded "rear admiral?" I swear, kids these days.
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cwil177113 months
That Ho fine.
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Hu_Flung_Pu113 months
I've had it on my balls. Man up.
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Hu_Flung_Pu113 months
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9th Green At 9113 months
More pics of Judy Ho, please
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