A little brawl broke out between two teams of 8-year old hockey players in Kazan, Russia from last month. Things got all real during postgame handshake line...

Filed Under: General Sports
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betweenthebara119 months
At about the 1:25 mark a kid from the top left of the screen picks up som momentum and absolutely crushes an unsuspecting kid. You can hear his helmet click off the ice.
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diddydirtyAubie119 months
I slapped a kid in the face during the post game handshakes in t-ball.
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Cracker119 months
8 year olds dude
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Palmetto08119 months
Little thugs
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Woverw119 months
I'm shocked! Russia supplies some of the finest hockey players in the world and these 8yrs. haven't been taught to toss their gloves before yoking a guy?
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