A robot broke the finger of a 7-year old during the Moscow Open, a chess tournament in Russia...

Sergey Lazarev, the president of the Moscow Chess Federation said, “The robot broke the child’s finger," and according to every article about this he then added, "This is of course bad.” I'm not sure if his sentiments were lost in translation, but that makes for an incredible quote. Apparently the child finished the tournament with a cast on his finger.

(The Big Lead)
Filed Under: General Sports
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ElTigreFuego26 months
I for one welcome out robot overlords
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SomeLSUguy26 months
He might as well put his finger in a sharks mouth...
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DeafVallyBatnR26 months
They just found Bobby Fisher.
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Stupid kid doesn't have any common sense.
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Lynxrufus201226 months
Ukrainian kid. But the kid hit the robot with a tire iron furnished by NATO.
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Mulkey Man26 months
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Godfather126 months
What are you doing, Dave.
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saints502126 months
kid fricked around and found out
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eddieray26 months
In Soviet Russia, robots break YOU.
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Bulldogblitz26 months
I must break you gif
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cypresstiger26 months
Winning is everything
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Giantkiller26 months
Wait, that's not how you're supposed to play the game?
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GoRuckTiger26 months
So much for Asimov’s first Law of Robotics.
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