Check out 7'3 eighth grader Chol Marial, who played on the high school team at West Oaks in Orlando this season. Stay with it kid...

Filed Under: General Sports
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el duderino III116 months
@heavycore - unless he just finished a huge growth spurt and has yet to fill in, like almost every really tall and lanky 14 year old
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auzach91116 months
***middle school
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auzach91116 months
That would suck so bad to have to play against him in HS
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castorinho116 months
can he shoot FTs?
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cdav114116 months
hes 7'3 in eighth grade.. how could you already know hes going to be a let down in college?
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HeavyCore116 months
I feel like once this kid starts competing against players that know how to use their weight properly he'll be absolutely worthless in the box.

Should start developing a great mid and long shot if he wants a chance at the college level. He'll just be too much of a let down in the post and probably exceptionally injury prone.
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