When you have money like boxer Floyd Mayweather does, you can buy cars like this...

floydmayweatherMy new 4.8 Million dollar car. $4,800,000.00 Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita supercar

KOENIGSEGG Is An ULTRA Boutique Automobile Manufacturer For The Super Rich.

KOENIGSEGG made only 2 TREVITA'S for the World, and this is No.2 of 2. In addition it is the only USA Spec TREVITA Built in the World.

The Origin of the car is Sweden.
The word TREVITA means "3 Whites". It is beyond a Super Car, and is classified as a " Hyper Car".

Pretty sure that thing is an Autobot, rolling the streets with Optimus Prime.
Filed Under: Boxing/MMA
user avatar
SamuelClemens114 months
Money Mayweather! His pimp hand is strong! His garage is stronger! His money is longer!
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Tiger in Texas114 months
KOENIGSEGG makes some awesome low mintage cars....lucky for Mayweather he can afford it like a drop in the bucket. I just hope he doesn't try to pimp it out and ruin it!!
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kiNupe5114 months
I just came here for the hating comments, hand picked fight haha. Those hand picked fighters held belts until they met Mayweather. If he can't read and just purchased a 5M car and you CAN read, how should that make you feel about yourself lol. Long live Floyd, undeniable talent.
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DoubleDown114 months
That guy is the ultimate douche. I don't even hate on him cause he has money, he's not a good fighter. He hand picks fights.

I'd pay money to watch him fight Connor McGregor. That guy would send him to the hospital. Any 145lb MMA fighter would.

Dude's a joke. Didn't the rapper TI almost whip his sorry arse. A rapper, ha!
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pellietigersaint114 months
frick that guy
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TNTigerman114 months
Excellent waste of money. Now maybe he'll go buy a golden toilet.
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bapple114 months
Why is he sitting on it!? Every single piece of that car is hand-built.
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Shalimar Sid114 months
And yet millions of American kids go hungry.
user avatar
Shalimar Sid114 months
And yet millions of American kids go hungry.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy115 months
FM doesn't need to read nor does he care what we say about him. He has the ability to purchase anything on the planet.
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Datbayoubengal115 months
That car is beautiful. I have always loved Koenigsegg even though I'd never be able to afford them, nor would a spend a million+ on a car.
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auburnu008115 months
Motherfricker can't read lol
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BowDownToLSU115 months
He will be on a 30 for 30 one day....broke
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Felonious Punk115 months
I hope he becomes best buds with the next Bernard madoff.
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Black n Gold115 months
I can't even pronounce that make of car. There is no way in hell he can.
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