Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Plano, TX
Biography:73 grad
Occupation:Captital one
Number of Posts:157
Registered on:11/28/2005
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re: Alabama over 92.5 is free money

Posted by planotiger on 1/25/25 at 10:04 pm
how much did you lose?

re: Washington’s Coach is a moron

Posted by planotiger on 1/12/25 at 9:27 pm
got screwed on the last play, clearly pass interference,

re: Jacob Hester Younger Brother!

Posted by planotiger on 10/4/24 at 1:33 pm
20 year difference - not sure I have ever heard of such a gap.

re: Delete

Posted by planotiger on 7/11/24 at 7:05 pm
what sport is that at LSU???
So the coaches and players got a close up look at him; so if they think he can help I would think they know more than we do.
Hope that this is all true man, hated to see this happen

Someone actually down voted this comment????
Very early in the season, maybe just wanted to get an idea as to how long she can go.
If you need a sucker punch to take out a woman you are pretty pathetic

re: We will be booing Dawn tonight

Posted by planotiger on 1/25/24 at 4:12 pm
talk about snow flakes LOL
Thanks, can you educate those of us who aren't familiar with the term EI and PG? Appreciate it!
He plays for the Eagles.
They are going to get theirs

re: Geeze. UGA swept Arkansas! LOL!

Posted by planotiger on 4/22/23 at 5:17 pm

Apparently Georgia may be the toughest game this year

Certainly not the push over everyone was expecting
Is he somebody we should care about??