Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:56
Registered on:9/14/2005
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Slow down. Neither the fans nor the coaches know how good he is yet. Wait till they put on the pads. Is he Fanaca good or just good? If he is Fanaca good then play at guard, tackle, center wherever he can have the kind of impact that Fanaca had on the game. Few OL improved LSU's offense li...
Our front four were manhandled in that game. DT' s made very few plays and were pushed out of position on most plays. The new guys looked better in the spring game but as we know that was against out 2nd and 3rd OL. We have Brockers and Logan starting both at DT but were recruited as DE's. We ha...
After watching the spring game I have big concerns with the front two. I don't think either one can take on a double team and not be moved out of the way on a consistant basis. Our second team did a good job of moving them in the double team. Imagine what the starters could do? How they play wil...

re: Duck Fan here...

Posted by East Tig on 1/16/11 at 8:37 pm
Ok Duck fan, We loose both DT's and middle linebacker. We will not be as strong up the middle as this year unless some current players become studs between now and the game or some true freshmen DT's can take up the slack. DT will be our biggest weakness next year. I know you loose three OL so m...

re: Greg Robinson

Posted by East Tig on 1/7/11 at 6:18 pm
I always wanted to see G Robinson play for LSU. But now with (J Hill) I don't think LSU has the room to take him. If LSU has to choose between him and CJ Johnson I think they choose CJ. G Rob will be at the Aubies place for college....
Skip said if it were him he would change the trend of spending so much money on coaches. I think that worked well don't you?...
Another advertisment for scout. Do you get paid per post or what? Can we all get paid for sending people to scout?...
For the same reason we can't make him Randy Moss. Let's make into Cam Newton....
He was wearing a wire for the FBI. He is trying to see how high the bid gets. He has to make it look good before they offer, scout is playing along....
take OL out unless they are hurt....

re: "Big Uglys"

Posted by East Tig on 8/18/10 at 2:03 pm
I suppose you did not know that is just for defensive players. The OL players are smart and good looking. Someone needs to explain this to Buddy....

Robinson and LSU

Posted by East Tig on 7/26/10 at 10:29 am
On Robinson's interest in LSU. I don't think LSU has a chance with him. It does not seem that he is willing to spend the kind of time getting to know LSU that he is spending getting to know Auburn. If you have a big prospective client the you want to make sure he is comfortable with you and not w...
Saban's record at Michigan State and see if it looks like he could put together a consistant winner. I remember most thought he was a bad hire also. None of his assistants wanted to coach for him at LSU. I am just saying the record hardly tells the story....
Yes, if and only if he can recruit. Give him about 3 more years to see if he can recuit talent. If he has talent he will become a great coach....

Feel sorry for the Basketball coach

Posted by East Tig on 1/30/10 at 10:29 pm
He has no talent. But who is resposible for getting talent? Bass, Graham, Harris, Dotson, Ludwig are all his recruits I think. Who has he recruited play inside against SEC INSIDE TALENT this year? Maybe next year he will begin to address recrits for the inside game....
I know that Murphy has been there a while and is well liked. I hope he finally shows he is a stud. However, I don’t want familiarity to cloud judgment on the part of the coaches. Test all the running backs at practice and the best one plays. I am glad there is a new running backs coach who will...
That is kind of like the Saints fan that wants to change the Saints offense so Bush can have better numbers. Football is a game that one team wins or loses by points on the scoreboard. I think that man was a fan of Bush and not the Saints. To answer your question if the team he plays for goes u...
Great Post!! I like inside information but not if it can be used against us. I want what is best for the program. How can "Chavis is thinking about leaving" be good for the program?...
About the same time Miles is considered a good coach....

re: What do these numbers............

Posted by East Tig on 10/27/09 at 8:39 pm
Nothiing important. You must have found the beer....