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Location:Birmingham, AL
Biography:LSU and Alabama Track and Field Fan
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Registered on:9/16/2011
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re: PS5 CFB 25 dynasty interest?

Posted by oauron on 7/26/24 at 1:51 pm
[quote]Are your friends still interested? Expecting to get it set up this weekend. We are right at 12 players but have room for up to 8 more. [/quote] I texted reminders to send you a message....

re: PS5 CFB 25 dynasty interest?

Posted by oauron on 7/25/24 at 10:07 am
I'm interested, and I have some friends that are interested to....

re: Any FF 14 players left around here?

Posted by oauron on 7/23/24 at 4:06 pm
[quote]These quests between the end of a Realm Reborn and before Heavensward are a real drag. [/quote] It ends very well though and I really loved the last handful of MSQ leading into Heavensward. I've been barely playing FF14 after my initial disappointment, but I've cleared the first two dung...

re: Is the Star Ocean series worth it?

Posted by oauron on 7/18/24 at 9:14 am
[quote]From what I understand the new HD version of 4 allows you to use the Japanese voice actors which makes a huge difference lol [/quote] It makes a huge difference. The english voice acting is awful. I think the series is definitely worth your time. There are great remakes for the first two...
[quote]Should I upgrade to deluxe so I can play tonight? [/quote] I wanted a physical copy so I'll be waiting until Friday. Got plenty to do so I'll be good lol...

re: Any FF 14 players left around here?

Posted by oauron on 7/3/24 at 5:18 pm
[quote]. I also cannot stand Wuk and have no interest in her success[/quote] She's awful. I hate her. Seriously making me consider changing the VA languages lol Gameplay changes and content is still fantastic, but story has been meh and I do not like or care about any of the new characters....
[quote]Do we have a TD online dynasty starting up yet? Gonna make Kennesaw State a powerhouse [/quote] I'm curious as well. Lots of good memories playing online dynasties on TD for NCAA14....

re: Red Rising Series

Posted by oauron on 7/3/24 at 12:36 am
[quote]**Semi spoilers for the first two books** [/quote] I would argue the opposite, especially in book 2 and 3. For someone who is as smart as he is, I felt like he was constantly being outwitted and outmaneuvered by foes that were less than him. One of my chief complaints is that they dumb h...

re: Any FF 14 players left around here?

Posted by oauron on 6/26/24 at 3:07 pm
[quote]I see large plots for houses run for 50 million gil. Does that number become achievable at some point? Because through all the MSQ (at level 35 quests right now) and a ton of side questing I still haven't even cracked 400k. [/quote] Yes. You get big money from crafting glamour gear and subm...
[quote]Been playing the first game, and I'm honestly shocked by how good the voice acting is. These folks went all out on voice acting and spent like $0 on cutscenes. [/quote] I've been spending time playing more retro stuff lately, and I really dig how they kept the soul of that era while employ...

re: Any FF 14 players left around here?

Posted by oauron on 6/21/24 at 3:17 pm
[quote]Classes - the advice I read was get a main class to max first then go back to the other ones I'm interested in as it moves the story along and gets access to all the features. Is this right? I'm a Marauder and enjoy it. [/quote] This is largely true. You'll also unlock some bonuses that mak...

re: Any FF 14 players left around here?

Posted by oauron on 6/21/24 at 3:13 pm
I took a break for 9 months or so, but I'm back in getting ready for the expansion. I've kept my sub since 2.0 launched....

re: LSU Gets Commitment From 2025 #1 IOL

Posted by oauron on 6/21/24 at 3:13 pm
His post adds far more value than just saying #1 IOL committed. Post rankings of every service is kind of an expectation....
[quote]Dynasty does not have cross play [/quote] This kinda sucks. I haven't even given thought to whether I would be able to play with old NCAA people....
Really interested in this, but I didn't realize they were going to charge a monthly sub as well. That's pretty disappointing. Especially with the new FF14 expansion dropping at the end of the month. I'll probably have to pass for now....

re: Woke LSU Professors Exposed

Posted by oauron on 5/20/24 at 9:34 pm
I took his class over a decade ago, but this exercise had more nuance than that. He was critical of every stance and the consequences of extreme action/neglect. It's obvious where he personally stood, but I don't think he deserves to be on a watchlist for it lol...
[quote]The first time I read RoW, I thought it was average compared to the other SA books. On the second read, I enjoyed and appreciated it much more as well. I have a better understanding of the ramifications of what Navani has discovered. Also doing some "homework" on the Coppermind wiki helpe...
I think I got it on my 10-11th run. Was able to get a 2nd clear on the next attempt. I never did the full 10 clears that you're supposed to do, but man that game was so much fun....
[quote]I normally agree with you on this, but just FYI this demo is like FF16s where you're just playing the first hour of the game and can immediately continue where you left off upon full release [/quote] I guess I'll be playing the demo tonight then. Didn't realize that progress carried over....
I think the DLCs (Gathering Storm especially) that they've done have added some good complexities and variety to it. I've had a lot of fun with it and the coop campaigns are so much better in VI than any previous Civ....