Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Dallas, TX
Number of Posts:1137
Registered on:8/10/2005
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2003 changed everything. Prior to that, LSU was irrelevant on the national stage. All subsequent success is in some way attributed to 2003, which proved LSU could be a powerhouse. ...

re: 2024 NFL Coaches Photo

Posted by TigerStick on 3/27/24 at 8:46 am
Why are all the black coaches standing in the back? ...
Personally, I prefer the girl to the back right....

re: Was there a worse coach

Posted by TigerStick on 12/15/23 at 11:33 am
[quote]Lou Tepper for the win[/quote] House's 2023 defense is worse than anything Lou Tepper led....

re: Top 12 Bracket

Posted by TigerStick on 12/4/23 at 10:45 am
SMU would be in, right? As conference champ? ...
Seemed like Carr was bonding more with MT during the offseason. Didn't hear much about him working with Olave. I wouldn't put olave on this list. I think his frustration got the better of him a few times, but he's a pro bowl level WR. Rest of the list is pretty accurate. ...
We're in the hunt for a division title. If nothing, the next few weeks will give us something to root for. It's not that long ago we were out of the mix by now and waiting for the draft. Are you upset because we're not competitive enough to win the superbowl? Get over it, there's only 3 or 4 t...
[quote]Does that sound like a Carr(arrives 2023) problem?[/quote] Does that sound like Carr is the solution? ...
The issue with bball is those guys don't believe they are good. It's mostly on defense - it looks like 5 guys playing rec ball. They don't get their hands up, don't close out shooters, no attempt at defending the rim. Just sad basketball....

re: Did we luck out with BK?

Posted by TigerStick on 11/28/23 at 1:14 pm
By this do you mean could our current situation be worse? Yes. Is BK the sole reason we've been better than those other programs? Probably not. ...
[quote]I think everyone acknowledges Burrow is the best qb in lsu history[/quote] When does this become a debate? Is there a drop off for the 2019 team if JD5 is the QB? Would this 2023 team win more games with JB under center? ...
[quote]The offense needed to be elite to beat bama. They were just great. Great doesn’t win that game.[/quote] This is ridiculous. ...

re: Where will JD5 get drafted?

Posted by TigerStick on 11/3/23 at 9:34 am
[quote]He'll be drafted. Probably not in the first round though. However, that probably has more to do with the fact this is seen as strong QB draft class[/quote] I disagree with this. I think he is the second QB taken, if not the first. ...

re: Milroe's last 3 games

Posted by TigerStick on 11/1/23 at 4:18 pm
It will come down to how well our young DB's communicate with each other. The talent is there, but the coordination may not be. And we'll end up giving up big plays. ...
The correct answer is a Volkswagen Passat. You tell everyone you have a German car and you convinced yourself it's better than a domestic sedan. But it's underpowered (low performance), lies about its emissions (efficiency) and has the same maintenance issues as a high end car. ...

re: Trade Deadline talks

Posted by TigerStick on 10/12/23 at 11:36 am
Derrick Henry...

re: BK on Womack

Posted by TigerStick on 9/15/23 at 9:01 am
[img]https://media.tenor.com/T0S0xNCvPXoAAAAd/rock-womack.gif[/img] ...
6-2. We will steal one we don't play well in, and we will drop one that we should not have. ...