Favorite team:Michigan 
Location:Wayne ,Michigan
Biography:Former HS basketball coach,Mich football fan and repspector of LSU football
Interests:Killing the BCS
Number of Posts:27
Registered on:1/9/2011
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Congrats to all Tiger fans on keepin Miles....I think Hoke will ok here eventually but hafta admit he was #3 on my list..hope u win it all next year while we rebuild...
I dont think we will ever know if DB offered the job to Miles or not..I mentioned that some in the Mich area (mostly anti Mich media types)are suggesting that Hoke was the man all along and the "search: was largely a sham....more true Blues would have rather had Miles,including me....take a look at ...
Hoke officially announced as new Mich coach..now what do we talk about????...
I have no idea what the "hold up" is or for that matter what the "plan" is/was....reports outta detroit and ann arbor media is that the "pizza plane" is on its way to San Diego....also agree with the anti ESPN "journalistic accumen" ie mon they say miles will accept mich job if offered and tues they...
No one knows what is really going on.....my best guess is that DB thought he had agreement with harbaugh and harbaugh asked to coach stanford in bcs game and keep it on the downlow but SF job opened up and harbaugh backed out...either miles played mich for more LSU $ or DB gave the appearance of go...
no offense taken...so how does our coach search appear to u guys...seems to me we look bad getting turned down by harbaugh and lester (if thats what really happened),a school of thought here is that our AD wanted Hoke all along and was just trying to please the harbaugh/miles crowd by seemingly goin...
I knew how to spell geaux just forgot the X...thanks 4 the help....fyi: my sister used to live in new orl.,firstthing I did was drive to BR to see the stadium,it was summer so I got in and walked the field a day I will never forget...
Also wanted to say geau tigers....I hate Bama,cheAUters,Tenn and the Gators,please beat em all so this old Mich fan has sumthin to be happy about next year...
No leaks out of the Mich ath. dept.but media speculation mentions Gruden (who hasn't publicly said he isn't interested,like he did with Miami)....my non-Miles/Hoke choice would be Pinkel from Mizzu,he runs same offense,was successful at Toledo and has won a lot at Mizzu with less talent than Okla/Te...
when yer defense is so damn good u can getaway with it,unfortunately we haven't had that luxery,although that 67-65 game vs Illinois was entertaining in a demented sorta way...
Hokes lookin a little better now lol....seriously tho I have never felt like LSU's offense has an identity,it seems like they run a little of this for awhile then a little of that,they throw stuff against the wall and see what'll stick..most teams have a style,LSU seems to have a smorgasboard style....
Damn I forgot about Crowton,we dont hafta take him also do we?...
our road unis are similar so how bout we wear white at home?...
well maize is same as yer yellow/gold and blue n purple aint that different are they?...
We almost hooked up in Rose Bowl the year we played Texas....only SEC teams I can remember coming to the Big House are SC & Vandy....nowadays the big boys dont do home n home cause it dont pay...
was thinking more along the lines of a merger that would create a super team,stadium,fan base....u guys would hafta wear maize n blue tho...
In my experience LSU and Georgia fans are the most rational SEC fans, while Bama & Florida fans are the most irrational...in Big 10 the Buck nutz n Spartans seem incapable of rational thought....I realize this is off topic but just wanted to compliment my Tiger hosts...
All this Mich/LSU talk got me thinkin',what if we could combine The Big House with 113,000 LSU fans and the LSU def with the Mich offense....
I been a Mich fan for 43 yrs and this is only the 2nd time I been thru this.....40 yrs of coaching stability/winning records and then 3 years of losing and coaching changes...no wonder u guys drink so much down there lol...