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went to see it yesterday in Madison Ms in the middle of the day and they had a bunch of different times showing, and my theater was half full... which i thought was a lot for a mid day midweek showing. I really liked the movie 7.5/10. Glen Powell just has so much charisma and ive been in lov...
Whoever was pushing Burgam should be never listened to again (Murdoch) holy hell that was so bad ...
There’s many things to complain about.. this has to be the most possibly ignorant. ...
[quote]Kamala = Automatic L in the Rust Belt. Final nail in the coffin for the plant workers.[/quote] Yah I think a potential worry could be Whitmer with Josh Shapiro as VP… they’re both very popular in their states and could make Michigan and Penn, pretty tough to win for Trump ...

What states does Kamala put in play

Posted by Lsujacket66 on 7/11/24 at 12:45 pm
What states does Kamala maybe do better or worse than Biden in? Depending on VP too I guess… I’d assume she would do worse in Pa.. maybe better in Michigan and Georgia? Any thoughts? ...
When congress gets back to DC next week we should immediately have hearings on the scandal of this coverup. We need to expose the party and media as a whole for Weekend at Bernie'ing the president and who is really in power and running the country. ...
[quote]Glenn Beck reviewed it and loved it. Won't repeat what he said about the beginning as I don't know the rules of the board, but said it wasn't "woke". And a great historical movie. He personally put Costner up with Eastwood and Wayne regarding westerners.[/quote] Wyatt Earp one of the most un...
very sad. He talked about her with a lot of love and reverence in his interview with Tucker a few weeks ago. No doubt they lived a great and happy life together. ...

Trump "lies so much"

Posted by Lsujacket66 on 6/28/24 at 3:25 am
This is the huge narrative on most mainstream media after the debate about Trump's actual performance, beyond Bidens age related issues. I feel like i am going insane. First they hardly ever say exactly what theyre claiming hes lying about... and of course Trump lies, but Biden basically repeated...
[quote]Louisiana always has like 10 candidates to choose from. I’m sure a candidate can be on any state ballot if they pay the fee in time.[/quote] Nah it’s not nearly that easy, lot of legal maneuvering happens to keep them off the ballot ...
I’ve tried looking for this.. but it would be good to know what states some of these 3rd party candidates will actually be on. RFK Jr, Libertarian candidate, Green Party, West… lot of states could flip based on who is on the ballot ...
Pretty sick move by Landry and his buddies to frick Graves with redistricting line movement. That’s the fun side of politics ...

re: The Brat Pack Documentary

Posted by Lsujacket66 on 6/18/24 at 12:55 pm
[quote]The two dominant movies that make up the "Brat Pack" for me are St. Elmo's Fire and Breakfast Club. I can definitely see an argument for the Outsiders but those that were in the before mentioned movies were basically cameos and not really an integral part of the story. Core Brat Pack(in bot...

re: The Brat Pack Documentary

Posted by Lsujacket66 on 6/17/24 at 8:06 pm
[quote]Demi looked pretty bangable too. Not sure if they look so good or if I got old and old looks fine to me now.[/quote] Demi in About Last Night is about as hot as it gets ...

re: The Brat Pack Documentary

Posted by Lsujacket66 on 6/17/24 at 4:42 pm
[quote]The main interesting tidbit was that the BP members did their best to NOT work with each other going forward, for fear of their projects being dismissed as Brat Pack reunions.[/quote] My big takeaway as well… them all trying to disassociate from the others likely hurt many of their careers a...

re: The Brat Pack Documentary

Posted by Lsujacket66 on 6/17/24 at 3:28 pm
Big fan of this era of movies and the doc was ok… just felt like it could’ve been much better done. Rob Lowe’s book was a much better look into this era.. ...

re: Good Doctor Series Finale

Posted by Lsujacket66 on 6/11/24 at 11:33 pm
[quote]just watched it, I thought it was a good finale. I also liked David Shore’s other medical series, House.[/quote] House was elite...

Drafting WRs early

Posted by Lsujacket66 on 6/4/24 at 6:46 am
With the crazy $$ WRs are getting, it would seem it’s smart to draft a top 1-2 round WR at least every few years or you’ll have to pay crazy $$ to veterans demanding near QB $. How much we are willing to pay Olave will be very interesting ...
[quote]During his interview with Tim Poole at the Libertarian Convention he stated that he isn't allowing himself to get sidetracked with cultural issues. He said cultural issues are not as important as national debt, health issues, border, inflation, foreign policy. Cultural issues are purposel...
They’re both mid 70s… I know they’re arguably our 2 best… but then retiring could lock in a conservative majority for the next few decades… thoughts? ...