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Occupation:Electrical Engineer
Number of Posts:4378
Registered on:4/15/2005
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Sense it? It’s being broadcast for all to see every time dead man walking gets in front of a camera...
I’m convinced the global powers that be will hand Trump an in process war to deal with...

re: Biden seen in public today

Posted by LSU Wayne on 7/23/24 at 2:03 pm
He literally looks like weekend at Bernie’s ...
I’m guessing they had reason to believe he might have died in his own by now yet he’s still sort of breathing. They probably have him tied down with a sock in his mouth somewhere...
Cheattle has to have an earpiece with someone feeding her answers right? ...
Someone needs to show the video of that dumbass SS agent that couldn’t holster her weapon and ask this bitch if that’s what her organization is teaching the DEI hires...
Just wait another week or two. Once the sting of the assassination attempt has worn off with the media and population that has too short an attention span, the Dems will try once again to pin some other manufactured bullshite on Trump to shift the narrative before the election ...
If I was a competent SS agent I would be raging mad pissed at what has happened to that organization. These screwballs are making a mockery of people who have done actual real good work over decades. It’s the FBI fiasco all over again but even worse and I didn’t think that would be possible ...

Need restaurant recs for Panama City

Posted by LSU Wayne on 7/9/24 at 7:56 pm
Taking the family to Panama City soon. I’m looking for generally casual restaurants that are good but wouldn’t fall in to the tourist trap category. Any recommendations would be appreciated ...
15 years in with what eventually I learned was an expert “covert narcissist”. We have a daughter with serious congenital medical issues which were difficult to manage from day one and still to this day. She manipulated everything and everyone. She manipulated her way to using our daughter against me...
The house is old and a main drain line spring a leak for however long. We have a plumber lined up but I need a general contractor to rebuild a main wall frame that the bathroom and kitchen share as the leak rotted out the wood frame in places. There’s a decent amount of work to be done in both the k...

re: AT&T Major Outage Nationwide

Posted by LSU Wayne on 2/22/24 at 8:49 am
Before I realized this was a national problem I called AT&T customer service to see if they could do anything. She just called me back and they literally have zero talking points for this problem. She said “I can tell you what a recent customer explained to me. The customer is a self proclaimed majo...
Sounds like nature wanted a remake of Lost...
Elon stole the grok from lsu lol [link=(https://grok.lsu.edu/)]LSU grok[/link]...

re: Boiled shrimp - shells sticking

Posted by LSU Wayne on 11/7/23 at 8:44 am
For boiling shrimp I find I have to really over season the water to allow the shrimp to soak it up. You can’t let the shrimp soak in even moderately hot water for too long or the shells will stick. So I make the water extra spicy. Another method is to have a room temperature seasoned pot of wate...

Pink Floyd The Travel Sequence

Posted by LSU Wayne on 11/1/23 at 2:09 pm
This is an early version of what eventually would be transformed into On The Run on Dark Side of the Moon. [link=(https://youtu.be/IXsYp9Ye2xg?si=LaPE7wO0_4odeILv)]LINK[/link]...